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My body doesn’t want to cooperate

I’m slowly finding out that my body just doesn’t work the way that it “should.” It seems that I won’t be able to nurse Eliza, at least not without major help from formula. It is day 8, and my milk hasn’t “come in,” even though I am on some meds that are supposed to help. At first I was pretty depressed about this, since we had decided to nurse her due to all the well-known benefits (and because we have a rather pushy pediatrician who is convinced this problem is all in my head and that I must not be doing something correctly). But after finding out that there are others who have this problem, working with a lactation consultant who swears I’m doing everything “right,” following all the directions/advice, reading all the books…I’m starting to be at peace with this bump in the road. I am coming to terms with the fact that I gave it my best shot, and my body simply isn’t cooperating. It’s not the first time my body has been at war with my mind! At this point, though, we’ve decided that the most important thing is that Eliza thrives and grows, no matter how that has to happen. So formula it is.

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Grandparents meet Eliza


Originally uploaded by griffey

My parents came over Thursday so that my dad could meet Eliza for the first time. He was suitably impressed, but could barely keep her out of my mom’s arms.

She’s doing really well, sleeping a lot (thanks be to the FSM). We’re slowly getting our feet under us, and I hope that we continue to get some modicum of sleep.

We’re going to try to head to my mom and dad’s house in north GA for Christmas Eve, if everything continues to go well.

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James Parker Barrett

James Parker Barrett

Originally uploaded by griffey

Welcome to the world Eliza’s cousin, James Parker Barrett. My sister had him 4 days after Eliza entered the world, officially making my parents grandparents twice over within a week.

He’s still in the hospital, getting good and healthy before heading home, but he should be going home tomorrow. Congrats to my sister Jenna, and here’s hoping that he and Eliza get along!

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Eliza’s big day out

We had to take Eliza out today: to Chattanooga for a follow-up OB visit for me, a visit to the lactation consultant, a trip to the UTC library to be shown off to Jason’s co-workers, and a visit to the hospital to see Jason’s sister Jenna, who just gave birth to an 8-pound baby boy (Parker) on Dec. 19th…only four days after Eliza! She was a dream…slept really well in the car for the hour to Chattanooga and back. Slept all the way through my doctor visit. She has even gained some weight, which is great news! She’s now 5 lbs, 12 oz…still a tiny little thing.

Today was a good day. We are all tired. Dad is taking a nap. Mom is catching up on emails and Eliza is resting quietly in her Moses basket (thanks, Trav and Samantha!!!!!).

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Mommy update

Just to let everyone know I’m okay! Really tired, of course, but hanging in there. I’m getting used to feeding her almost constantly and snatching naps when I can. I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday when all the news from the pediatrician seemed negative: her weight was down too much, her bilirubin levels too high. But today was much better…she had gained an ounce! Now she is 5 pounds 8 ounces, which seems impossibly small for something that came out of me.

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Electric Elizaland


Originally uploaded by griffey

Eliza was diagnosed with infantile jaundice…she’s fine, but the pediatrician wanted to head things off at the pass, so she prescribed a round of phototherapy for her. This is the result; a wallaby-belt, a fiber-optic belt that bathes her in simulated sunlight while she sleeps.

She wasn’t happy with it, but after she settled in she realized that it could keep her warm, and she didn’t mind so much. She was re-tested today, and the bilirubin levels were back to normal.

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Eliza in repose


Originally uploaded by griffey

Little Eliza spent most of the evening screaming her head off. She’s got a ton of gas problems, and seems to be in a lot of pain at night…during the day, she’s an angel, and sleeps most of the day.


Anyway, she’s doing well. She has her first doctor’s appointment today, so we’ll see how that goes. More pictures and info later.

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Doing fine!

We’re still trying to get the hang of things, like breastfeeding and what her different cries mean. But all in all, it was a decent night, and I, for one, am proud of us. Little Eliza seems to be doing well, except for some gas! She is asleep right now, and we’re waiting on a visit from my doctor. I think we’re all anxious to go home, but we will miss the nursery and all the helpful nurses around the clock!

Eliza is truly beautiful, and every time I look at her, I can’t believe she’s here.

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Eliza with Grandma


Originally uploaded by griffey

This is Eliza with Jason’s mom, Jackie…she came in today and just about wouldn’t put Eliza down. Don’t blame her, though, since she couldn’t ask for a cuter first grandchild.

Today has been tests, and feeding, and visitors. Aside from the tests, I think this will be the next few weeks of our lives together.

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Eliza Rhea Griffey


Originally uploaded by griffey
Welcome Eliza Rhea Griffey, born at 12:47 am.

6 pounds, 5 ounces, 21 inches.

She’s healthy and wonderful, and Betsy is recovering well.