For a full list of my publications, please check my CV, which is kept up to date more quickly than this webpage.
In early 2024 I have a book upcoming from MIT Press, co-authored with Jeffery Pomerantz, titled simply Standards. It is a part of the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, and I’m terribly excited to get it into the world, and to be an MIT Press author.
In late 2023 I have a chapter forthcoming in the book Library 2035 edited by Sandy Hirsh and Elaine Hall. The early title of the chapter is “Predictions About Future Technology in Libraries and Epistemic Collapse: Laws and Models” and in it I argue that the coming world of generated media via AI and Machine Learning has the capacity to create a sort of epistemic collapse for libraries and archives.
One of my favorite things I’ve ever written is a volume of Library Technology Report entitled Gadgets & Gizmos: Personal Electronics and the Library I wrote both a chapter of a book (The Case for Open Hardware in Libraries) and another volume of Library Technology Report about 3D Printers for Libraries .
Its sequel, Gadgets & Gizmos: Libraries and the Post-PC Era, was a huge experiment for ALA publishing, as it’s the first LTR to be licensed under a Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial, if you’re curious).
My first book was Library Blogging, which I co-authored with Karen Coombs. It’s from Linworth Publishing, and discusses the how and why of libraries and blogging. Technical and practical, it’s a great guide to the form. At this point, mainly a history, but I’m still very proud of the work that went into the book.
My second book is from Neal Schuman publishers, and it’s called Mobile Technologies and Libraries. It’s one book in a larger set that is being called The Tech Set. It is, perhaps obviously, about the explosion of mobile and how mobile services change library services.
I have written for both Library Journal and NetConnect, have written a series of Library Technology Reports for ALA TechSource, and briefly wrote a monthly column for TechSource online.