
Are you a BIGWIG?

Are you a BIGWIG?

Originally uploaded by griffey.

Here’s the first sample of the T-Shirts we’re giving to the participants of the 2008 BIGWIG Social Software Showcase. Hopefully, you’ll see a few of them wandering around ALA Annual this weekend.

BIGWIG Digital Culture Library Issues

Off to ALA Annual

I leave in the morning for ALA Annual 2008, but keep an eye on this space over on the right sidebar. I’m going to stream as much as I can of my Annual trip via Ustream. So bookmark or otherwise check my twitter feed, as I’ll announce my streaming there.

Also, don’t forget to check out the BIGWIG Social Software Showcase 2008. Tons of great content, and lots of interactivity planned…more Ustreaming, plus TWO virtual discussions via Talkshoe. There will be no shortage of virtual participation…come join us!

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Eliza’s profile, 6 months

IMG_4290.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Favorite foods: carrots, oatmeal with apples, maple teething biscuits

Favorite toys: stacking cups, links, anything that rattles, balls, spoons, bowls, rubber ducks

Favorite books: Tails (Matthew Van Fleet); Brown Bear, Brown Bear (Eric Carle); First Words; Moo, Baa, La La La (Sandra Boynton)

Favorite music: mommy’s special Eliza songs; “Splish Splash” (sung while taking a bath, of course); the oldies station; “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”

Hobbies: standing while holding onto furniture or mom/dad; playing with Indy (the dog) and Cola (the cat); sitting by herself; pulling leaves off trees; checking the mail with mom


George Carlin

Resquiat in Pace, George. The world was better for you being in it.

If I have to tell you this is NSFW, you don’t know much about George Carlin.

Books Digital Culture Media

Cryptonomicon via tag cloud

Two tag cloud posts in a row is a bit much, but I had the idea, so I went with it. This is an infographic of the word frequency of the text of the novel Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson.


It’s a really interesting way to visualize texts (as I’ve pointed out before). So let’s see if I can start a meme. Doesn’t have to be a new book, you can pick one from Project Gutenberg…there certainly are enough good books there. Pick your favorite (or one of your favorites), and post it up.

I’m tagging: Iris, Amanda and Tombrarian.

Digital Culture Personal

Third Lobe of my Brain

Third Lobe of my Brain

Originally uploaded by griffey.

Inspired by Amanda, here’s my Wordle tag cloud from It’s really pretty enough to print and hang on my wall.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Betsy’s Thoughts


Originally uploaded by griffey

Here’s what Betsy does while we listen to Eliza scream and cry going to sleep the last 4 nights.

To be fair, last night she cried for 22 minutes, then drifted to sleep, and slept all night until 7am. So something is definitely working.

Books Library Issues libraryblogging Media Personal

Library Blogging


It’s here! It’s really here! For more news about the book, and general updates and such, visit the blog for the book: Library Blogging. I’ll talk more after I’ve had a chance to review it again, but so far it looks great.

For those going to ALA, Linworth Publishing is booth #2553, if you want to stop by and pick up a copy of the book.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Six month challenges

IMG_4204.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

So the bottom teeth have broken through. Huge sigh of relief! Now, there’s at least one of her top teeth trying to come through as well. We had one glorious grump-free day (yesterday), and now she’s fussy again. Poor girl. I know it must hurt.

Another recent challenge: sleeping in her crib. She has decided she’d rather be with us, wherever we are. So she cries when she wakes up in the middle of the night and we’re not there. It has gotten so bad that not even our patting/shushing works anymore. It used to work perfectly, and she would barely wake up. Now, she is completely awake, thrashing about, crying and screaming unless we pick her up. All this means one thing: it’s time for the dreaded sleep training. We’ve been putting it off for months. We’re not even sure we agree with the whole idea. But here we go. Desperate times, desperate measures.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Eliza is six months old

100_1843, originally uploaded by griffey.

Had her checkup today, and she now weighs 17 lbs, 5 oz and is 26.5 inches long. She is still in the 75th percentile all the way around, so she continues to be a big, healthy girl. I can’t believe she is 6 months old already.

She had a great weekend floating in Aunt Jenna’s pool for the first time, which she absolutely loved. She had a great time “swimming” with Dad, Nana, Pop, Jenna, and cousin Parker.