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Daddy Time

IMG_0489, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza got to spend 9 whole days with Daddy while I attended a workshop in Florida. I’m sure she stopped asking about me at some point. They did lots of fun daddy-daughter things, like a trip to the farmer’s market, playdates with friends, hanging out at the park, and a visit to Nana’s house.

In the 9 days that I was gone, she changed so much it’s scary. When I left, she needed help getting up the stairs to the slide at a local park. When I came back, she could do it all on her own. Standing up, mind you, not crawling up on all fours! She has also developed a new love of YouTube videos of animals (thanks, Daddy!) and a worrisome obsession with watching home videos of herself, especially of herself falling, which is apparently the funniest thing she’s ever seen.

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Eliza hugs

IMG_0465, originally uploaded by griffey.

I think Eliza is going to have her mom’s sensitivity to others, which is both a blessing and a curse.

We were watching an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba today, and there is a character named Gooble, who is always crying.

“Gooble’s sad,” Eliza said.
“Yes, he is sad,” I confirmed.
“Hug Eliza,” she suggested, in order to make it all better.

Works for mommy and daddy, so why not the rest of the world?

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OMG, What a huge sandbox!

IMG_1250, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza saw the ocean for the first time when we spent 4 days at Rosemary Beach, Florida. Although it exhausted her (in a good way), she absolutely loved it. She had no fear whatsoever, even when the waves knocked her around. She wanted to stand there all by herself (“Eliza do it!”). She also enjoyed digging in the sand with her new shovels, picking up sea shells, and watching the birds and airplanes fly overhead. All in all, a great trip. Can’t wait to go back when she has a little more stamina!

Brand_New_World Profile

Eliza profile: seventeen months

Eating icecream, originally uploaded by griffey.

She is almost a year and a half old! To celebrate, and because she has been feeling terrible with a fever and sinus infection, we took her to a local ice cream place. She insisted on eating it all by herself, like a big girl.

Favorite foods: Ketchup. Asks for it at almost every meal and will dip absolutely anything into it. Ice cream (vanilla). Pizza. Applesauce (more for spoon practice than for filling her belly). Peanut butter.

Favorite music: Still completely obsessed with the Laurie Berkner band, as featured on Jack’s Big Music Show. She also now loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Old McDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Clean it up (Laurie Berkner), as well as some songs she has apparently invented or learned elsewhere.

Favorite toys: Anything like an action figure, especially her family dolls from Melissa & Doug and her Elmo and Ernie figurines; magnets; water table with shovels, scoops, and sponges; books (see below); Foofa doll (from the Noggin show Yo Gabba Gabba); gel window clings

Favorite hobbies: Singing, talking, dancing, marching, stomping, wiggling, throwing, tickling, scooping, digging, climbing stairs, climbing into and out of chairs, taking baths and “swimming” in the tub.

Favorite books: “Flip a Face” book called Colors; Froggy Green; Fifteen Animals (Sandra Boynton); anything with Elmo or Zoe from Sesame Street

Dislikes: Too much sun. Getting too hot. Sitting still in her high chair to eat breakfast. Someone trying to help her do something she insists she can do by herself (“Eliza do it!!”).

What she knows and can do is scary sometimes. She now recognizes and says most colors (and tells us her favorite is pink), several shapes, and quite a few letters, and can count to ten. She can accomplish just about anything with phrases like “See it.” “Hold it.” “Do it.” and “Want some.” The other day she looked at her piece of toast and told me, “Cut it,” because she wanted it in triangles.

Her social understanding is also amazing lately. She is great at saying “thank you” and “you’re welcome,” unprompted. We’re working on “please,” which she will say when told to do so, but not on her own yet. Is now telling people to be careful, like when we’re carrying her down the stairs (“Careful, Daddy.”). And she checks on everyone’s well being: “Happy, Mommy?” “Happy, Daddy?” “How doing?” “Where Nanny go?”

Eliza the baby, I think, is all but gone. Eliza is now our little girl. And that’s pretty special.

Brand_New_World Learning

Let’s Get Physical

IMG_0420, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza has started catching up with her playmates in terms of physical prowess. Suddenly she wants to climb onto anything and everything: stairs, chairs, boxes, computer monitors daddy leaves lying the floor. It’s a little scary.

She’s also trying to jump, which basically means she stands up on tip toes with her arms in the air and yells “jump!” Once in a while, one foot will come up off the ground.

Besides climbing, her favorite movement is stomping. She goes around yelling “Stomp Stomp!” while she does it. Also does “march march march,” which is a little disconcerting. And of course, there’s “wiggle wiggle” and “shake shake shake,” which she gets from the only TV show she watches these days, Yo Gabba Gabba.

And, she now runs like crazy. It’s amazing to hear her giggle so hard she nearly falls down as she’s getting chased by the daddy monster.

Brand_New_World Milestone

Not much smaller than this panda

IMG_1137, originally uploaded by griffey.

I forgot to blog about her checkup the other day.

She is enormous. 97th percentile for height (!) and 90th or a little higher for both weight and head circumference.

And while the average for her age is saying about 10 words, I lost count at 75 and I’m pretty sure she says over 100, including “sentences” like “Mommy hold it,” “Daddy do it,” “mas (more) appy sauce (apple sauce),” etc. She’s also starting to sing, and it’s recognizable enough that we can identify “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” (sounds like “tickle tickle li sa” but with the right melody), the alphabet song, and “Ashes ashes we all fall down!”

The doctor joked that she would be a genius basketball player.

Brand_New_World Sickness

More reasons why we should put her in a bubble

IMG_1146, originally uploaded by griffey.

She has had a runny nose and watery eyes for almost three weeks now. And yesterday she was extremely cranky at daycare, so I finally took her to the doctor. It doesn’t seem that anything is infected, so we got the green light to try Zyrtec. Although her doctor thinks she is technically too young to have allergies, it seems that once again she is ahead of the curve. So we’re going to try it and see what happens.

It was an eventful weekend for little E: National Cornbread Festival in South Pittsburg and Sewanaroo music festival on Saturday; Chattanooga zoo complete with carousel ride and a visit to the farmer’s market on Sunday (see picture of her playing in the kids’ area). We all had a great time, but we were exhausted by Sunday night.

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National Cornbread Festival

IMG_1086, originally uploaded by griffey.

Took Eliza to another festival this weekend, and she seemed to get more attention than all the cornbread. Wherever we go, people want to talk to her and touch her. Or we hear them talking about her. She has no idea how powerful she is. Yet.

We ate lots of yummy fair food (freshly fried potato chips, barbecue, hot dog, ice cream, kettle corn). Eliza was in heaven. Heard some decent bluegrass music, watched some juggling on stilts, looked at John Deere tractors and giant cow statues, and played with rubber ducks floating in a fountain.

We didn’t ride any rides, but she had a blast looking at all the bright spinning things. She kept saying “Wow! Wow! Wow!” It was clearly a feast for her little tummy AND her little eyes.

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Turtles and chickens and llamas, oh my!

IMG_1030, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza got to go to her first “petting zoo” environment this weekend at a local festival. She had absolutely NO fear whatsoever and picked up the turtles with an ease and grace that astounded me. She also had fun stopping the mice on their wheel with just a powerful little touch of her finger and lifting it so they could spin again. She did this over and over.

We also took a hayride, which she thought was funny and fun. Although we were going about 5 miles an hour the whole time, she kept saying “wheeee! wheeeeee!”

And there was live music, which she enjoyed, and a cookout. She had an entire hot dog plus some of mommy’s food. But the best part of all was just seeing her walking all around, very independently. Someone asked us, “Is she a runner? Some kids just see an open space and take off.” Well, I wasn’t sure until Saturday, but yes. She’s a runner.

Brand_New_World Profile

Eliza profile: fifteen months!

Favorite hobby: talking, talking, and more talking! She now says 2 and 3 word sentences on a regular basis. The funniest so far? When a program we were watching on the TiVo got to the end and stopped, she said “Daddy fix it”! If she can’t reach something she wants she now says “Mommy get it.” She’s becoming quite the bossy little thing. She can also name all of her daycare classmates and tells everyone (and everything, including her breakfast and the dog) “Morning!” when she wakes up.

Other favorite hobbies: Sitting. A relatively new skill, she tries to turn everything into a “seat” (another favorite word): her toy piano, a basket full of books, the stairs, anything. Also likes drawing and “writing,” putting stickers on paper, playing with Play Doh, taking things out of the refrigerator, organizing bottles of shampoo and lotion in the bathroom, dancing.

Favorite foods: #1 by far is her “wogurt” (yogurt), which she would eat five times a day if we let her. Also loves pumpkin butter on bread, any kind of cheese, pizza, sweet potatoes, and bananas. Has recently figured out how to dip foods, so she’s into ketchup and marinara sauce.

Favorite toys: Everything is a toy at this point. Loves her bubble machine from Uncle Kevin, sidewalk chalk, balls, stuffed Elmo’s (she inherited a bunch from mommy), and shape sorter.

Favorite books: Dr. Seuss’s Hop on Pop, which she can now request by name at bedtime and does so often. Also loves his Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? And still loves the Matthew Van Fleet books, especially Cats and Dogs.

Favorite media: We do let her watch TV, but only three shows: Yo Gabba Gabba (her favorite), Jack’s Big Music Show, and Sesame Street. She also still loves music, particularly Laurie Berkner and yes, the Elvis Costello phase continues.

She’s a fun little monkey with a great sense of humor. Life with Eliza is certainly never boring!