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Um, is this the same baby?

Just wanted to give some perspective here. Look how much Eliza has grown. First picture = little E at 10 days old. Second picture = Eliza in same chair, 5 months old (22 weeks, to be precise). I can’t believe how much she has grown and changed in so little time.

Books Media Personal

It’s coming…

Very soon, you too can own this very lovely book. Proofs are done, galleys are done, everything on our end is done, done, and done. We’re officially at the printers, folks!

Library Blogging is suitable as a gift for any occasion, and you can pre-order now (pre-order? No, just order, I think) at Amazon…go here and order! Or just wait until I have dozens of copies that I can’t possibly get rid of, and offer me a couple of bucks. Your choice.

Brand_New_World Friends

Eliza’s friend

Amelia and ElizaLast week we got to hang out with my friend Bridgette and her daughter Amelia, just 2 months younger than Eliza. They drove from Atlanta to visit us at Nana’s house in LaFayette. It was great to see them! The girls were very interested in each other at first, with lots of smiles and reaching out. But then they needed feeding, naps, etc. I guess “play dates” won’t make any sense until they’re a little older! But more importantly, it was good for the mommies to reconnect.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

5 months old

Thanks to Nana for this awesome picture.

Eliza is 5 months old today. She can roll over, eats “real” food, tries very hard to sit up on her own, loves to stand up with support, and loves being sung/talked to. She’s a little attached to mom and dad right now, which means she gets a tad upset when we leave her sight. But in general, she is a happy baby. Still curious about everything and everyone she sees. She absolutely adores going all over the mountain: shopping, to lunch with friends, to get coffee, walking around campus, even department meetings are fun for her. 5 months old! The time is flying.


I think you’re doing it wrong


Originally uploaded by griffey.

Bad placement of a sign on my campus. The actual ramp is to the left of the stairs, but you’d think maybe an arrow or something might have been appropriate.

Books Media

Snow Crash

Betsy surprised me a few days ago with this, which she claims is either a late birthday or early father’s day present: a signed, numbered, limited edition of Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.IMG_3153.JPG

It’s put out by Subterranean Press, and is gorgeous. Subterranean is a press that specialized in high quality printings of limited edition fantasy, scifi, and horror…I want to own nearly everything they print.

But for now, I will just stare and covet my copy of my preciou….I mean, Snow Crash.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

First Mother’s Day

IMG_3195.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

So my first Mother’s Day was tainted by the fact that I had to “work” (Sewanee always has its graduation on Mother’s Day). No matter. It was still amazing to wake up and know that I, too, am a mother now. Still a bit surreal.

Eliza couldn’t pick out my gifts, but Dad did an awesome job. A beautiful cedar trunk to put her keepsakes in, something I hope to pass down to her. A “peanut” charm for my bracelet, since that’s what we called her before we knew she was a girl. And a brand new coffee maker to help take the sting out of early mommy mornings.

Brand_New_World Equipment food

Eliza Food!

I made my first batch of Eliza Food today. It went like this:


went into this


then I put together this contraption


and put the sweet potatoes in like this


and then portioned it out into 4 oz tupperware like this


and ended up with this


All in all, 9 servings of sweet potatoes that are, unlike processed baby food, delicious. Plus it’s kinda fun knowing exactly what she’s eating, and being able to fix it myself. I’m looking forward to doing this on weekends, and throwing a weeks worth of food in the freezer for her.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

The joys of teething

IMG_3164.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Here’s how we know Eliza is teething:

  • she’s drooling like a rabid dog
  • she’s gnawing on everything she can get her hands on, including her own hands and ours
  • random fussiness and crying, very unusual for her
  • when offered a cold or frozen washcloth, she sucks on it like it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted
  • excessive saliva = more spit-up than normal
  • excessive drool, especially at night = little pimples on her face
  • excessive saliva = a weird little cough like an engine sputtering
  • Overall, our verdict is that this teething thing sucks (pun intended). I understand that it’s necessary, but it’s hard on poor little babies who have no idea why this is happening to them. Can’t wait to see a little tooth pop up, though. Problem is…it could be a month or two of this before we see any results!

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Too big for baby stuff

IMG_3067.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza is outgrowing all her baby seats. As you can see, she’s trying desperately to sit up. So…even though she is strapped into this cushy, soft, vibrating seat , she is trying to get out of it. She has several little “chairs” but they all recline, so she isn’t fond of them anymore. She wants to sit straight up and see the world. No chilling out for little Eliza! Are you kidding? There’s too much to see and do!