Digital Culture

Ok guys…as I said, I’ve been

Ok guys…as I said, I’ve been working on getting a new blog setup going, and I think it’s nearly ready. Take a look, tell me what you like or don’t like…I’m going to Radio, I think, for it’s flexibility (I’ve wanted to break a blog into pieces and post different things to different blogs, and this allows me to do that easily). As well, the comments are built in, with the whole thing controlable by me and not Blogger.

Anway, see what you think.

New and Improved Pattern Recognition

Digital Culture

Still working on new blo

Still working on new blog….Radio seems to do 99% of the stuff I want, but customizing the look is driving me nuts. They use a bunch of ASP macros to do the blogging functions, but the “look” of the page is escaping me. A bit more work before I give up and use one of their built in themes….new link will go up here when I finish.

AND>….in other news, spent all weekend with friends Chrysty, Travis, and my mom and dad watching Betsy graduate with her PhD. After many nightmares not worth explaining in a public forum, everything went off like clockwork, and she was “hooded” on Saturday and picked up her diploma today. Just incredibly cool…I am so proud of the work she did to get here. It’s a weird thing having 1/6th of your life encapsulated in a sheet of paper, but that seems to be the way it works. đŸ™‚

Congrats, Bets….you deserve _everything_ you’ve gotten….

Digital Culture

Working on the new blog, but..

Working on the new blog, but…..decided to go ahead with this particular update:

Me, with short hair.


Digital Culture

Quick update on why I haven’t

Quick update on why I haven’t been doing much blogging….

….it’s mainly cause I’m building a better blog. đŸ™‚ I’m in the process of trying out Radio Userland as an alternative to blogger for what I want to be able to do with my blog. Blogger is a GREAT tool, but the basic blogger doesn’t support comments (have to get those from another site) among other things. Radio uses CSS and XML in interesting ways, supports RSS feeds for my site, archives in XML instead of HTML…just generally does things the way I want.

SO….I’m building. Soon, all will be revealed.



Digital Culture

So for no apparent reason, I’m

So for no apparent reason, I’m just going to write a bit.

I got into this library thing because it seemed to meet and bring together an amazing number of interests of mine, and indeed, I have discovered that it does. The fact is, though, that my interests seem to run to the esoteric. The most “librarian” thing that I am interested in is reference, but my real passion lies in the areas of contention and theory, like freedom of speech, the PATRIOT act, information freedom like Open Source and Free software, p2p systems and their use in the breaking down of the copyright system (copyright, until the digital age, wasn’t difficult….now, it’s nearly untenable). The real question is: how do these things make a job? The more I look at it, the more I see working at a library as a means to getting a law degree….*sigh*. But do I really wanna do that?

What say you, anonymous visitors?

Digital Culture

Thought for the day:

Thought for the day:

You will never, ever hear me putting down Chapel Hill….it’s an amazing place to live. There is one, small problem….I have to admit, they make better bagels up north. The things we get here are less bagels and more cream cheese delivery units.

They are bagelesque….bagel-like. But they clearly aren’t bagels. And no…chains like Bregger’s aren’t either.


Digital Culture

UT-Knoxville appears to be doi

UT-Knoxville appears to be doing an online survey concerning Blogging…

check it out

In other news, just ONE more project to finish the semester…woooooo- hoooooo.

Digital Culture Gaming Legal Issues Media

Penny arcade vs Strawberry Shortcake

Here we have a bizarre case. One of my favorite online comics, Penny Arcade, was served a cease and desist from American Greetings, the owners of the characters in the Strawberry Shortcake family of products most of us probably remember from our youth. The problem in question is this comic (also here as PNG), which parodies a game creator called America McGee, whose specialty is taking children’s stories (Alice in Wonderland, Oz) and taking them gothic. Clearly, American Greetings didn’t think it was funny.

Discussion on Slashdot.

Sad state of intellectual property in the US continues. PA can’t afford to fight this, so they just have to roll over.

Or, they make a strip like this.


Digital Culture

Ok. I don’t have any idea how

Ok. I don’t have any idea how to describe this. So I won’t.


Digital Culture

The funniest Xmen 2 review you

The funniest Xmen 2 review you will ever read.

Funny, funny stuff. One of the many examples of youth that should be on ritalin drips.