Library Issues Personal

My vision for UTC

I’ve struggled with how much to discuss my new job (Reference/Instruction Librarian at UT-Chattanooga), and I think that I’ve decided to just say what I want. I never censored myself before, and I see no real reason to do so now.

That said: here’s my first impressions. I love the place, and I love the people. I’m going to really enjoy getting my fingers into the place…because honestly, they need it. Short list of things that I see myself doing:

  • Organizing and instituting a virtual reference setup
  • Set up a true information commons in the reference area
  • Creating new classes that are student-need centered rather than class-or-professor centered
  • Move the reference staff into leadership roles on campus (or at the very least into communication roles for campus)

Yeah, I’m dreaming, but I might as well dream big.

Gaming Personal

Still here!

Yep, I’m still kicking around. Major training going on at the new job…still going well, and I’m starting to feel more and more like a part of the library.

Update on Origins (much fun, and I’m on my own card now!) and more job updates to come.

Gaming Personal

Off to Origins

I’ll be at the Origins game Fair for the next couple of days…possible posts from there, but it may be a day or so before I get back on.

See ya all soon!

Digital Culture Media


Ok…I lied. Not more monkey.

More ape.

I give you: KONG.

Kong 1
Kong 2
Kong 3

Digital Culture Personal


This one is for all you undergrad buddies who might still read this…from BoingBoing:

EDIT: from Justin’s comment…sorry, for those who didn’t know: I went to undergrad in Morehead. It’s the home of Morehead State University, my alma mater. My mother still runs the bookstore on campus.

Morehead Monkey

A monkey named Boo-Boo apparently bit a drive-through worker at the Viking BP Mart in Morehead, Kentucky. It seems that Ashley Rodgers was handing a customer a beverage when the monkey tried to grab the drink. (See image.) Rodgers says that Boo-Boo then bit her. According to WKYT 27 Newsfirst, Boo-Boo’s human companion, Jamie Dehart, is paying Rodger’s medical bill. The animal will eventually go to live at the Nicholasville primate center, a move Dehart says was planned before the monkey business occurred. Link to WKYT article, Link to WPVI article with security images

The monkey in the above image is hard to make out at first…the white splotch at the bottom is the monkey’s diaper.

I don’t believe that I just typed “monkey’s diaper.”

Library Issues

LITA Rocks

In case anyone has missed this, the so-new-it-still-sparkles LITA blog is full of some amazing ALA conference coverage. KGS covers the Obama keynote and makes me wish I were there.

If the blog keeps up this level of use/writing, it’s going to be around for a long time.

Library Issues

More info on lists I’m looking for

As Anna pointed out in a comment to my previous post, perhaps I wasn’t as informative as I could have been in what sorts of lists I’m looking for. Here’s a short summary of my interests/responsibilities:

  • Instruction/Reference
  • Technology, esp. as it relates to the above
  • Digital Reference (the combination of the above)
  • Academic Libraries
  • Intellectual Property issues in libraries
  • Censorship/challenge issues in libraries

There’s a short list of things I feel like a want to keep up with. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s a sample. Thanks for any suggestions!

Library Issues

Looking for Listservs

Ok all you guys out there in Library Land: what listservs do you consider to be A) the best and B) must subscribes? I’m going through my lists, and there seems to be more and more and more out there, so I know I’m missing a few that I could be either entertained by or helpful on.

Leave me comments on your favs (with subscription info if possible).


Library Issues

I’m a librarian!

First day at UT – Chattanooga! (thanks Yeri!)

Just thought everyone should know. 🙂

More thoughts on the library, the job, etc…later. For now, I’m off to a class.

Library Issues

Preaching to the choir

This latest post from Jeff Pomerantz is just briliant. In it, he discusses the oft-repeated falsehood that in order for writing to be of value it must be edited/peer reviewed/go through the “publication” process. In regards to the above claim, he says:

Let me be totally blunt: that argument was crap then & it’s crap now. The medium is irrelevant; the speed is irrelevant; the delivery mechanism is irrelevant. I could conduct peer review by passenger pigeon & still come up with a lousy result. The quality of thinking is what is important, and frankly I’d go so far as to say, the only thing that’s important. The quality of thinking by the author, by the reviewer, and by the reader. If the author is Jayson Blair, for example, the writing isn’t going to be worthwhile no matter how well-edited it is. If the reviewer is lazy, they won’t catch errors or make good suggestions to improve the manuscript.

Bravo! I’ve been saying the same thing for years now…one of the issues that I confronted with my Master’s Paper was just that…what is “publication”? Does self-publication negate the value of academic work? To claim that good writing MUST be edited is simply short sighted and wrong. Too many people in positions of power in academia seem to fall prey to this fallacy, including many, many librarians.

Peer review will not save you, people. Yes, it’s a good thing. Yes, it’s useful. Yes, it improves the quality of materials. But would you really suggest that there’s no writing that’s good without it? In the whole world? No, no reasonable person would say that. Is there lots of crummy writing out there? Yes, of course there is. Is there crummy writing out there that’s been through an editorial process? Yes, of course there is. Is there quality writing out there that has not been through an editorial process? Yes, OF COURSE there is.

Makes me wish that I had gotten to know Dr. Pomerantz better while I was at UNC. There are a great number of things tied up in this line of thought…academic scholarship is about to undergo some radical changes: more self-publication, less formalized peer-review, more “after the fact” review (ie, commentary rather than pre-pub edits), university rather than publishing house level archival, and much much more. I for one can’t wait.