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Big Girl

IMG_1905, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza has had lots of “big girl” moments lately…

* She has started to use the potty, although not consistently, and certainly not if she’s too busy playing. She has gone successfully about 8 times. And she usually tells us when she needs to go.

* Is now drinking well out of cups with lids/straws (rather than spill-proof sippy cups) and is starting to work on regular cups.

* Knows what it means to “ask like a big girl” (without whining, saying please). Often needs to be prompted, but at least she knows the difference.

* Can jump!!!! Her feet finally came off the ground the other day, and now she’s doing it consistently.

* Can climb up on her step stool to wash her hands, and climb down when finished. Will do this when asked.

* Can draw a circle! It happened out of nowhere, but she has repeated it several times. Pretty impressive!!!

* Knows emotion words like mad, sad, happy, excited, and scared. Starting to tell us how she is feeling and notice how others are feeling, too.

* Occupies herself for much longer periods of time. Her favorite way to do this is to pull all the books off her shelf and look at them. Asks us to put her mattress on the floor so she can sit and “read” by herself. When Daddy asked if she wanted him to read to her this morning, she said, “I do it myself.”

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Digital Culture Media

Google Wave and Igor

For the BIGWIG Showcase this year, I talked about and put together a presentation on Google Wave, and what I think it will do to library services. One of the things I talked about was the ability for software robots to watch the Wave, and alter it in specific ways. Well, it looks like we’ve got our first bibliographic example of this, with Igor. Stew over at Flags & Lollipops has put together a robot that will watch a given Wave for mentions of citations, and then query and automagically fill in footnotes from PubMed, Connotea, or CiteULike (for now, I’m sure that Zotero and other coverage is easily possible).

I’ve got no idea how he did this, given that Wave isn’t public yet…but the demo shows what’s going to be possible with Wave. Take a look, and get ready….Wave might change everything. You may need to click through and enlarge the player to really see what’s going on.

Igor – a Google Wave robot to manage your references from Stew Fnl on Vimeo.

Igor is a robot for Google Wave written in Java and running on Google App Engine.

It allows users to pull in references from PubMed & personal libraries on Connotea or CiteULike by querying services with keywords that they supply inline with the article you’re writing.

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Eliza & Noah

Eliza & Noah

Originally uploaded by griffey

Eliza with her friend Noah at the Children’s Discovery Museum in Chattanooga, TN. She’s not quite to the “playing with” stage, more “playing around”, but she loves the company, so I call it a success.

ALA Personal

LITA Forum 2009 – Signup NOW!

From the LITA listserv, and because I’m doing a preconference that should be a lot of fun:

The early bird registration deadline has been extended for the 2009 LITA National Forum, October 1-4, 2009 in Salt Lake City. Now is your opportunity to realize excellent savings on registration for the forum. Registration rates are $50 lower through August 31– Register Now:

Keynote Sessions Feature Dynamic Speakers:

On Friday Joan Lippincott of Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) will kick off the Forum with her talk Mobile Technologies, Mobile Users: Will Libraries Mobilize? Lippincott will discuss what roles libraries can and should play in delivering content for mobile devices, developing services for mobile device users and configuring physical spaces to respond to their needs.

Saturday, David Weinberger will present Knowledge in the Age of Abundance. Weinberger will examine how our new connected age is one of abundant and ready access to knowledge and how this is bringing a change in the nature, shape, value and role of knowledge itself.

Liz Lawley of the Lab for Social Computing at the Rochester Institute of Technology will close the Forum on Sunday with Technical/Tangible/Social. Lawley’s talk will cover the growing importance of “social objects” in technology implementation, and how those objects serve as a focal point for cohesive social interactions.

Preconferences Offer In-Depth Examination of Topics:

Choose between two full-day workshops, spanning Thursday afternoon and Friday morning:

Jason Griffey of University of Tennessee, Chattanooga will present The Future of Mobile. The workshop will examine the future of mobile technologies and their impact on libraries, including how service models in libraries change with ubiquitous computing and how content delivery becomes different. Attendees will look at specific tools that are currently available that model the direction that mobile is moving.

Accessibility Update: Section 508 and WCAG in a Library 2.0 World, presented by Nina McHale of the University of Colorado, Denver will provide an introduction to Section 508 and WCAG Web accessibility guidelines and how they relate to online library tools. The workshop will include demonstrations of popular assistive technologies and guidelines for optimizing library resources to comply with Section 508 and WCAG.

Visit the LITA Web site for more information on the Forum including concurrent and poster sessions, travel and lodging, and complete Forum schedule.

Be sure to Connect with Forum participants on Facebook and the Forum wiki:


Seen on campus today

A new use for a figure 8 descender. For those who haven’t seen one, that’s an aluminum figure 8, used in rappelling. Or, in this case, an umbrella holder.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Big week

IMG_8177.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Monday, Eliza had her eyes checked at Vanderbilt. She does have a partially blocked tear duct, but it’s not bad enough to warrant surgery. Hurray!

Afterwards, we had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, merely for toddler entertainment value and certainly not for the food! Eliza was in heaven and still talks about the rainforest. The moving gorillas and elephants were okay, but her favorite things were all the fish tanks and the nighttime sky, which inspired her to sing several rounds of “Twinkle, Twinkle.”

Tuesday she started at her new daycare, and it was a freakishly easy transition. I feared the worst, but she was immediately comfortable with her new teachers and her new room. This place gives lots of daily feedback, and so far she has been praised for her “focus,” ability to follow directions, her patience (!?!), and how she is willing and excited to participate in any activity. They have also remarked on her singing and the astounding number of books she wants them to read daily. They have already read every single book they own, and it’s only day 4.

Eliza was fine at her other daycare, but at the new place, I think she will flourish.

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I’ve been trying to find ways to enliven PatRec for awhile now, as I don’t post as much as I used to, and some of my energy/content has drifted off to other shores (Audioboo, TechSource, etc). I think I finally found a solution that I can use: FeedWordpress.

It’s a plugin that pulls RSS, and throws it into my timeline here on the blog. While I’m not going to be feeding in everything (no Twitter or Friendfeed) I do want my audioboo feed, and my Tumblr feed, to repost here. I’ll probably set up a Posterous as well to feed in, and then, no matter what kind of access I have, I can get things posted easily and quickly. We’ll see how this goes.


Testing tumble

Testing tumble