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Eliza Tells Stories – Family edition

Eliza has become quite the story teller, after having so many books read to her. She already has a great sense of how to put a story together, although she loses her train of thought sometimes. It’s interesting what comes out in these “tales.” In this one, she admits she got frustrated (“very good frustrated”) when her cousin wanted to watch something besides Elmo during her recent visit to Nana’s.

Thanks to daddy for the awesome subtitles.

Oh, and the strange references to the North Wind come from a book she has about Rolie Polie Olie.

ALA Personal

Vote Griffey!

I was nominated and chose to be on the ballot for two different offices at the national level this year. I’m running for Director-at-Large for LITA, which is a 3 year stint on the LITA Board of Directors. I am also on the ballot for ALA Councilor-at-Large, also a 3 year gig on the ALA Council.

The voting period for both elections starts the middle of March, and the members of LITA and ALA respectively will get instructions in their email as to how and when to vote. I’m not going to spend a ton of time “campaigning” per se, but I do think that I can, perhaps, do some small amount of good and help move both organizations in good directions if I’m elected.

I would appreciate any tweeting, friendfeeding, buzzing, blogging, or other attention you can draw to my candidacy, especially for ALA Council…a lot larger pool, and a ton more votes needed for that one. I’ve set up a website with a summary of why people should vote for me: Elect Griffey, also linked to in the image above.


URLs as a measure of user experience

I’m spending part of my morning looking through tech specs on various desktops and laptops for use as exemplars for our new building. Finding, deciding, and then sending links to our architects  for the systems I’m interested in, so that they can track down heat loads and such for HVAC calculations.

Tell me…which of the following URLs shows a company that cares about User Experience:

Dell Studio One

Lenovo C Series

Apple iMac

ALA Books Media presentation

ALA TechSource Trends Webinar

TechSource has posted the recording of the TechTrends Midwinter 2010 Webinar that I was a part of a couple of weeks ago, along with Sean Fitzpatrick, Kate Sheehan and Greg Landgraf. I’m really pleased with it…check it out, and let me know if there are any questions you’d like me to follow up on.

TechTrends: Midwinter 2010 Webinar Archive from ALA Publishing on Vimeo.

TechTrends: Mid-Winter 2010, an archive of the 2/11/10 ALA TechSource webinar. The ALA Midwinter meeting was discussed from a library technology perspective. Our panel of experts offered their own unique perspective, sharing what they learned from the conference and what trends they thought stood out, plus, a question-and-answer session with the panelists.

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Daddy Weekend

IMG_9484, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza and I had another Daddy weekend these past few days, as Betsy spent some time in Athens, OH at a Latin American lit conference. Judging by the grin on E’s face, I think I did ok.

Media Personal


Check out my video that got featured on today…my co-conspirator for CES decided to use my video in her wrap-up post:

Rock on!

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Tasting the wind


Originally uploaded by griffey

“Daddy, the wind…I’m tasting it!”

“What’s it taste like?”


I hope she never grows up.

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E and her snowman

E and her snowman

Originally uploaded by griffey

Eliza made her first snowman, almost as big as she is. She had a blast. She says she loves winter time, but I think we’re all really looking forward to spring. It has been the worst winter since we moved here six years ago, and quite frankly, we’re all a little sick of the snow.

She has also discovered a love for hot chocolate with little marshmallows. So, it’s not all bad.

ACRL ALA presentation

Wave upon Wave

In a little more than a week, on March 2nd, I’ll be doing an online webinar for ACRL entitled Wave upon Wave: Navigating the New Communication. The goal is to explore and explain Google Wave, and look at use cases for libraries. Wave lost a lot of luster immediately after the launch, but I still think there’s a ton of promise and potential there. Here’s the learning outcomes that we’ll be trying to get to:

Participants in this webcast will come away with an understanding of the basic functionality of Google Wave. As well, they should be able to envision multiple communicative uses for Wave within their library, including both internal and external communications.

We’ll probably also talk a bit about Buzz, and the ways in which the various Google properties relate to one another. I hope to see you there!

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Sooo very Eliza

Sooo very Eliza

Originally uploaded by griffey

This picture really captures who Eliza is these days. She’s wearing a super hero tshirt that says something about girl power, but she also has a heart necklace and, if you look carefully, you can see that she fell asleep reading her most prized possession of the moment, a Cinderella book.

This is Eliza, just about 26 months old.