Category: Personal
Master’s Paper update
- 31 pages
- writing the conclusion
- found lots of damning evidence on the ALA website about their copyright policies
- pretty happy with the way its going
- just like in 28 days later, the end is very fucking nigh
Got a chance to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind this weekend, and the movie itself is brilliant. Absolutely wonderful…Kaufman writes such good scripts, and Winslet and Carrey are just perfect. I just gotta say, Kate Winslet is stunning, even in a severely damaged character.
Random person behind me at the Carolina: That moment in the movie…you know, the one that wasn’t funny? The poignant one? Next time that comes around in a film, SHUT UP! Thanks.
Just passed 25 pages on the paper…going well. Hoping to get through this section this weekend and get it to Paul.
Betsy made me a phenomenal cake (White Chocolate pound cake) and we’re heading to a lovely dinner tonight at the Lantern. Unfortunately, that’s about it for this week, since the paper is still sitting on my head. Paul wants to see another draft this weekend, so…writing will happen.
Home again, home again, jiggidy-jig
Returned from the Big Apple on Monday, and immediately entrenched myself in work. The trip to NY was really interesting…I’m not quite sure what to think about it. First time there, and it was a bit overwhelming. I’ve been to many big cities…LA, New Orleans, Chicago, Washington DC…but this was my first big northeast city. I caught myself trying to imagine what it would be like to grow up there, to raise children there, what kinds of influence the surroundings would have.
Having spent 18 years of my life in a town with a population of 2000, it was really odd. At the same time, it was exciting and vibrant…I can totally see why people who leave a city like that go into withdrawl. It was easy to believe that I could literally leave the hotel at any time and get anything I wanted. Really need to buy a DVD at 4am? No problem. Need a new pair of shoes at 3am? Can do. That sort of availability has to tweak your expectations a bit.
This was even more interesting given that Bets and I are moving back to rural america, more or less, by going to Sewanee. I can’t ever, ever, ever see myself living in a big city, but I think I have a better idea why people might want that now. NY had a vibe unlike that of any other city I’ve visited.
And for my next trick…
Well, New York has certainly been interesting. I’m in the Hotel New Yorker, in Chelsea. Within pretty easy walking distance of a LOT of downtown, including Times Square, and right across from Madison Square Garden. Very cool to see a lot of the stuff that I’ve only thus far seen on TV. The flight in was honestly the best, landing in La Guardia, and seeing the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building and such. Very, very cool.
However, Times Square gives me Blader Runner flashbacks. I keep expecting a blimp overhead spouting “…can be yours in the outer colonies…”
Thuggin’ and Buggin’
Here’s a quick look at what I’m doing today: going mano a mano with Ian Taylor in New York. For giggles, here’s a look at two versions of my superstar card for the game Raw Deal:
What I’m up to this weekend
On an amusing note (to some) I’ll be in New York this weekend, attending the world championships for Raw Deal, the game that I playtest, run, and play. Ian Taylor and I have a bit of a score to settle, and I’ll be playing in all the random events throughout the day. Should be much fun, and is my “spring break.”
After this, back to the grind…must get paper done….
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MADRID, Spain (CNN) — A massive, coordinated terror strike on Madrid’s commuter train system killed at least 173 people and wounded over 600 at the height of the city’s rush hour, Spain’s interior minister says. Full story here from CNN.
The government is blaming ETA, but they haven’t officially taken credit yet. Here’s a link to El Pais ran through Google translator. edit: here’s a link to the special edition of El Pais in PDF for today, covering the tragedy. edit:El Pais is now reporting that blaming ETA may be premature, since they discovered tapes in Arabic along with detonators in the area of one of the explosions. edit:ETA is officially denying involvement in the bombing. edit:And now, a branch of Al Qaeda is claiming responsibility. Thanks a lot, War on Terrorism. For everyone we know with friends or family in Madrid, I hope that they are ok. |