Digital Culture Personal

Testing new setup

Finally got the upgrade to WordPress 1.01 going…the database work was a bit of a sticky wicket to work out, but through my m4d php skillz (ie, combing patiently through tons of code for the ONE variable that was causing me problems) I was successful.

Will be working a bit on the layout in order to get the colors where I want them (I really like my colors, dammit!). What do you guys think of the new look?

And, believe it or not, this was actually related to a project for Open Source…trying to navigate my way through help documents in order to construct some of my own. Go go semi-useful classes!


More comedy…

A hilarious look at what happens if you decided to eat a variety of all natural products that’s aren’t, technically, foodstuffs.

I’d give it
+1 Informative
+1 Funny (for all the slashgeeks)


Every time a bell rings…

For those of us who have been caught up in the Joss Whedon universe for the last 6 or 7 years, the last of his surviving shows, Angel, is being cancelled at the end of this season. First Buffy (which admittedly had a pretty great run on TV), Firefly (which got NO LOVE while it was on, but is a great show…the DVD’s are amazing), now Angel. Next season the airwaves will be Jossless for the first time in nearly a decade. Guess the DVD’s will have to keep me company.


Best Western in Boone = free 10 Mbps Internet connection. Woot!

Sitting in said Best Western in Boone, NC, while Betsy gets ready for dinner. Tonight = dinner with the chair of the Spanish Department. Tomorrow = all day grueling marathon o’ interviews and presentations. While she does that, I’m meeting with different people from the library system.

This whole job search thing is about to cause us both to spontaneously combust. But rest assured, dear readers, that as soon as we have an answer, you’ll hear it here first.


Sitting in Sewanee…

So, I am currently sitting in the Jessie Ball duPont Library in Sewanee, TN. Outside is an impenetrable wall of fog left over from the thunderstorms last night, but the interior of the library is silent as a tomb. Handfuls of students, maybe 2 or 3, wander about the stacks, but are absolutely silent.

What a difference from the vibrancy of the UL, or even the frenetic energy of Davis. Small campus, small library…I suppose that’s what you get. The funny thing is, I think I could get used to it. The library feels…manageable. Like maybe you could make a difference. That’s kind of a nice thing to consider when thinking about moving somewhere, isn’t it?


Interesting blogmeme

From Justin, an interesting new meme: where have you been in the US?

Lived in: KY, OH, MD, NC
Family in: GA, SC, TN
Vacationed/conferenced in: TN, WV, LA, CA, TX, IN, FL, VA

Interesting to see the geographic focusing of my travels.


Sudden Realization

After looking over these last two posts, I’ve realized that perhaps using my blog as a tool for getting a job…..probably not gonna happen.


Eh…if they can’t take a joke, do I really wanna work there? And if I’m gonna have to censor myself online…I’m not sure it’s worth any job.

What do you guys think?


State of the Union Address

Wow. All I can say…wow. When did we completely forget that whole “Church/State” thing, George? As if his stance on same-sex marriage wasn’t Paleolithic in nature, his attempt to get “faith based initiatives” is just insane.

I cannot express how frightening it is to me to have a President that panders to religion to the degree that W has. Then again, I’m an atheistic zealot, so of course I’d feel that way.

But I can’t wait until we outgrow this whole “religious” thing in our thinking as humans.



Well…just about the best game I’ve ever seen, and definitely the best I’ve ever seen in person.

UNC 86 – UConn 83


Check out the pictures

My pictures from ALA Midwinter in San Diego.