Library Issues

Liz Lawley closing keynote, IL2007

Liz Lawley
From physical to virtual and back again
Blurring the boundaries

Awesome: She’s dressed as her WoW character.

Collapsing contexts: she had professional contacts emailing her about her son’s behavior on WoW.

Blogs at Terra Nova

Is Wow the new golf?

Game Mechanics

She’s creating a new character, live, in WoW.

MMO player stages as management:

Library Issues

Joe Janes Keynote, IL2007

Joe Janes
Reference 2.0

Very nice…at Internet Librarian, but not using slides.

He’s pimping:

New session at ALA: take everyone who longs for the “good ole days” and wants the National Union Catalog, lock the doors, and send them away. Think of the jobs then available!

Ready reference might be over.

“An academic is the sort of person who would face the Apocalypse with a historical overview”

1876: people can’t find the information they need. 2007: people can’t find the information they need.

First libraries to offer reference: special libraries, then public, lastly reference. No reference desk in academic libraries before 1910.

Reference is designed for a world with lots of information that is unfindable. That isn’t today…today we have lots of information that is FINDABLE.

Going to be an ever more digital world, and it is worth assuming that everything will be digital.

Lots of ways to get at information, at every level you can imagine.

We are trained to find wholes…we are going to increasingly find parts.

“If you aren’t editing Wikipedia articles, keep your mouth shut.”

Provide services to the kind of people who want your service.

“Get out of the freaking library.”

Be somewhere and everywhere.

Libraries have to provide space: meeting space, study rooms, etc.

Somewhere and everywhere, in and out, wholes and parts, more and better.

A Modest Proposal: For the people who dive deep, for the people who care: That’s when we do “real” reference.

For now, print is our secret weapon.

Weed those reference collections, put them in the ciculating collection.

For quick reference, concentrate on moving them forward.

For the people who are not information users, leave them alone.

Library Issues

IL 2007 Keynote – Lee Ranie

Lee Ranie, Pew Internet Project

Talking about the experience of being blogged…pulled quotes from Writings of the Loud Librarian.

Hallmarks of the New Digital Ecosystem

  1. Complexity of the digital ecosystem in the typical home. Internet to tv to audio system to computer to storage to….
  2. The Internet, esp. broadband, is at the center of the revolution. The most important thing about broadband is that broadband users are creators.
  3. New gadgets allow people to enjoy media, gather information, and be always on, anywhere.
  4. Ordinary citizens have a chance to be publishers, movie makers, song creators, etc. Research is showing that young internet users don’t think of themselves as “blogging”…they are just using X tool.
  5. All of the content creators have an audience. (BN: Long tail)
  6. Americans are customizing their internet experience via 2.0 tools

9 user groups

  • Omnivores – 8% of population: More information gadgets, use voraciously
  • Connectors – 7% of popl. : More females than males
  • Lackluster Veterans – 8% of pop: frequent users, more males,
  • Productivity Enhancers – 8%: 40ish, like how tech helps them DO
  • Mobile Centrics: 10% – Love their cell phone. But not early adopters.
  • Connected but Hassled: 10% – High level of connectivity, cell phone, but they dont like it.
  • Inexperienced experimenters: 8% – Will occasionally take advantage of tech, but will sometimes try something
  • Light but satisfied: 15% – fine with what they have, don’t need any more. Mid 50s. Tech is not central to their lives.
  • Indifferents: 11% – I don’t like this stuff. Proudly disassociated from tech.
  • Off the network: 15% – don’t have cellphone, not on the net, nada.

Lots of interesting numbers, but this is more or less the talk Lee gave at Computers in Libraries. Not a terrible thing (most of the people here hadn’t heard it before), but not a lot of meat in the talk for those who attended CiL.

Digital Culture Libraries

My presentation slides from Internet Librarian 2007, in video form.
Library Issues

Internet Librarian 2007

I head out far-too-early in the morning for Internet Librarian 2007. I’m scheduled to be faculty on a preconference on Sunday, with an all-star cast (minus me): Michelle Boule, Amanda Etches-Johnson, Meredith Farkas, and Chad Boeninger. We’re doing a full day of Academic Library 2.0, and it should be a blast.

Hope to see everyone there! If you see me, and don’t know me…introduce yourself!

The Living Dead

How to Survive a Zombie Attack

I do so love Commoncraft.

Digital Culture

Best photos ever


I am just blown away by the 3D ultrasounds that we had done yesterday. Not just because she’s my little girl (or soon will be) but the technology is insane. I watched it being done, and grok the how of it, but seeing it in action is difficult to wrap one’s head around. Tiny slices of imagery, layered and stitched to build a virtual 3D model, and then displayed and rotated for the best possible angle…

In any case, I’m trying not to go too much into babyland with this blog (that’s reserved for Brand New World) but I had to throw one of these up.

Digital Culture Library Issues Technology

Information R/evolution

Just another amazing video from the maker of The Machine is Us/ing us. Digital information, as much as we like to treat it like paper, is just different.

The sooner librarians get their heads around this, the better for our patrons. I’m trying desperately to wrap my head around how this influences our new library building…

Baby Images

My favorite use of quotation marks

Here’s a great example of my very favorite misuse of quotation marks: the use of quotation marks to indicate emphasis, where it should probably be underlined or bolded. This is a card we recieved at our latest baby shower.


So it’s not for Betsy; it’s for someone like Betsy, or perhaps someone pretending to be Betsy?

Digital Culture Legal Issues

DRM Frustration at Opera Mobile

Or maybe just Opera in general.

I own a Samsung Blackjack, and it probably comes as no surprise to anyone that Internet Explorer on it sucks. Just a horrible browser. Enter Opera Mobile, a really great little browser for mobile devices. I downloaded the trial version and gave it a month…good interface, fast, let me do everything I wanted.

So I decide I want to purchase this piece of software. It will make my life much easier, and is worth the $24.

I got to the Buy Opera page, tell them I want to buy a copy of Mobile for Smartphones, and it asks me for some info…including my “Device ID” which is evidently their method of DRM. By using a code specific to the phone, they can control whether or not I share the program by making it impossible for me to do so.

Ok, whatever. I can still move my install to another phone if I want by calling them, not perfect but I’ll deal. So how do I get the Device ID? By going to the “menu” function on the browser, on the phone.

Which doesn’t work, because the trial has expired, and all I get is an error message when I try to run it.

So…I can’t buy the software I want to use, because I tried the software to determine I wanted to use it.

Somehow, this seems appropriate again:
