
Newness Abounds

First, the new car.

Then, the new furniture (a couch and a chaise).

Now, a new job.

Yep, you read it here first (or second if you were on AIM yesterday and I bugged you). I’m a newly employed member of the staff of Middle Tennessee State University. It’s not a library job, which is what I was hoping for, but is a very sweet Web Design job, working with the MTSU homepage and helping faculty do web-based things with research and teaching. Overall, I’m very pleased.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Digital Culture

A post in which we buy a vehicle

So we went car shopping last weekend, planning on hitting a few dealerships and seeing what kind of deal we could find.

The first stop was the Honda dealership in Chattanooga, where we were shown lines and lines of Honda CRV’s (the car that I had been sold on from the start…great reviews, good resale, last forever). After I asked for the “best price” they’d give me, I was shown a price a couple thousand below the MSRP on the car. Pretty good, I thought…except I’d done my homework. Thanks to Edmunds and Kelly Blue Book, I knew the invoice on the car, and that they desperately wanted rid of the 2004’s.

I countered with a price a couple hundred above invoice, and they agreed….so we are the proud owners of a new Honda CRV.
Honda CRV
This is our first ever new car, so it’s a pretty cool thing for us.

Digital Culture Media

I give you…

…the Ten Worst Black Metal Photos of All Time.

My personal fav:



Third day of work

Well, this is the third day of my filling in temporarily for someone who’s out in the Computing and Network Services department here on campus. Getting to meet TONS of faculty and staff, which is good. Also good is being on campus, and getting to have lunch with Bets everyday. 🙂

Digital Culture

BoingBoing likes GenCon

Or at least Xeni does! I’m currently in Indy, enjoying the late night nearly asleep part of GenCon, posting from a random computer in the convention center.

Check the BoingBoing story for interesting links.


With a little help from your friends…

With a little assistance from Justin, I’ve put together a search plugin for Mozilla Firefox for the Library Catalog for Sewanee: The University of the South. I’ll be interested to see how widespread it gets, since I’m still under the impression that technology isn’t always embraced readily on campus.

Check it out if you are interested. Just unzip into your Firefox/search plugins directory, and it should work fine.


More archives

So pleased with WordPress right now…I just got the Blogger import to work, so that my original blog posts from early 2003 are now happily ensconced in my current blog. Yay! Now all I’m missing is my 4 month dalliance with Radio…since my registration with them has expired, and my laptop was my server for publishing, I think that those are probably just gone. But I’m excited that most of my old entries are still around!

Digital Culture Personal

Suggestions from the blogosphere

I hereby summon the knowledge of the readers of my blog:

Has anyone had any experience with a webhost that they would recommend that would allow php/mysql setups for things like phpBB and a blog? I’m considering setting up something like a news/discussion site and am looking for cheap but reliable hosting.

Ibiblio (while wonderful for hosting this and other aspects of my site) isn’t appropriate since it would be for a psuedo-commercial project that would eventually need to include ads and such to pay for itself.

Suggestions? Anyone out there wanna host me? The traffic would be lite at first, but I’m betting it would pick up quickly…

Digital Culture Personal


With Justin singing the praises of Firefox, the Mozilla stand-alone browser, I decided to take the plunge and see what the fuss is about.


I’ve been a Mozilla convert for a long time, using the suite for both websurfing and email. But Firefox and Thunderbird have convinced me to switch, in no small part to the amazing extension support.

For example: Forumzilla, an extension for Thunderbird that allows you to treat RSS feeds just like email or newsgroups. It pulls the feed, allows you to filter them to different mail folders….just so easy to use, and just what I wanted with RSS. Not a stand alone aggregator, but something that is integrated into my existing information consumption.

Get Firefox

They’re brilliant, open source, constantly upgraded, fast, easy to use, and have incredible support. How is it that IE still has the upper hand in the browser wars?

Digital Culture Personal Sewanee

I, for one…

…welcome my BoingBoing overlords.