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Cutie Pie

Cutie Pie

Originally uploaded by griffey

She’s really starting to like getting a bath. She smiled through the whole process this time around.

FYI: The yellow thing I’m holding is a spray shower head covered with a washcloth to diffuse the flow and keep it from spraying all over the place. Hey, it works!

Brand_New_World Equipment jason

Wish we were in Japan

…so that I could order a few of these.


To celebrate the birth of a baby in a way that makes it feel like the kid’s right there in your arms, a rice shop in the southwestern Japanese city of Kita-Kyushu will send out a customized dakigokochi, a roughly baby-shaped bag of high-grade rice to everyone on your birth announcement list. The bag will be printed with the kid’s picture, stats, and a greeting–and it will weigh the same as the kid did at birth.

One of the million reasons that I love Japanese culture. Wish I had a rice bag o’ Eliza!

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Look at me!


Originally uploaded by griffey

I’m four weeks old today!

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Eliza has a library!

Eliza now officially has a library! Thanks to the generosity of my good friend Tim, Eliza is now a proud Lifetime member of LibraryThing! So if anyone out there has thoughts of getting her books in the future, now we have a way to double check to see if she owns it…and boy, is she going to own some books.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Eliza and the bears


Originally uploaded by griffey

Eliza carefully contemplates the wooden bears on her new Bjorn chair. Ah, who am I kidding…I know she can’t see a thing yet, and can barely focus out past 6 inches from her face. But she’s just so cute!

She’s fatting up as well, starting to gain a little weight. She’s getting cuter daily.

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Betsy and Eliza

Betsy and Eliza

Originally uploaded by griffey

My two favorite girls in the world on Christmas Eve 2007.

Possibly my favorite picture ever.

Just wanted to share with the world how incredibly lucky I am.

Happy Solstice, Everyone!

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Grandparents meet Eliza


Originally uploaded by griffey

My parents came over Thursday so that my dad could meet Eliza for the first time. He was suitably impressed, but could barely keep her out of my mom’s arms.

She’s doing really well, sleeping a lot (thanks be to the FSM). We’re slowly getting our feet under us, and I hope that we continue to get some modicum of sleep.

We’re going to try to head to my mom and dad’s house in north GA for Christmas Eve, if everything continues to go well.

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James Parker Barrett

James Parker Barrett

Originally uploaded by griffey

Welcome to the world Eliza’s cousin, James Parker Barrett. My sister had him 4 days after Eliza entered the world, officially making my parents grandparents twice over within a week.

He’s still in the hospital, getting good and healthy before heading home, but he should be going home tomorrow. Congrats to my sister Jenna, and here’s hoping that he and Eliza get along!

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Electric Elizaland


Originally uploaded by griffey

Eliza was diagnosed with infantile jaundice…she’s fine, but the pediatrician wanted to head things off at the pass, so she prescribed a round of phototherapy for her. This is the result; a wallaby-belt, a fiber-optic belt that bathes her in simulated sunlight while she sleeps.

She wasn’t happy with it, but after she settled in she realized that it could keep her warm, and she didn’t mind so much. She was re-tested today, and the bilirubin levels were back to normal.

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Eliza in repose


Originally uploaded by griffey

Little Eliza spent most of the evening screaming her head off. She’s got a ton of gas problems, and seems to be in a lot of pain at night…during the day, she’s an angel, and sleeps most of the day.


Anyway, she’s doing well. She has her first doctor’s appointment today, so we’ll see how that goes. More pictures and info later.