Brand_New_World Learning

Go away cat!


Originally uploaded by griffey

Best story of the week: Betsy was in Eliza’s room with her, reading books. Our two cats, Cola and Hootie, came in to see what was going on, but we don’t usually let them in Ellie’s room. So Betsy says “Get out, cats!” and chases them out.

Eliza takes a beat, stands up, walks over to her stuffed animals. Picks up her stuffed animal cat, walks to the door, and throws it into the hall.

She’s far too smart for her own good.

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She’s a Genius!

Just watch this!

Oh, wait a minute:

Maybe not.

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Daddy Play


Originally uploaded by griffey

I must admit, I didn’t necessarily want to fall into the “daddy” stereotypes, but one where I fall firmly is in the sort of play that Eliza and I enjoy. Lots more physical, more rolling around, flipping, hanging upside down than Bets would ever try.

The good news for me is, of course, she loves it. And is very clear when she’s reached her limit of excitement, and wants to just lay down for a minute.

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Eliza Reads

Eliza reads to herself. Sort of.
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Eliza for Obama

Eliza declares her choice for president.
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Eliza goes to Bearwallow Farm


Originally uploaded by griffey

We spent this past Saturday morning at Bearwallow Farm in Nancy, KY. Bearwallow is a classic Fall endeavor, with hayrides, pumpkin patch, petting zoo, and much more.

Eliza had a blast! She got to pet a goat, watch bunnies, and see how big a llama really is. She won’t remember it, of course, but it was still fun for us to see her react to all the new experiences.

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Day in the Park


Originally uploaded by griffey

Today my Dad came down to visit his Grandkids, and we decided that the weather was so nice we’d picnic in Coolidge Park. Great fun, and both Eliza and Parker loved it. I’m not sure what Ellie likes most, but its probably a toss-up between the fountain and the carousel.

She also had her first taste of Pizza, and her first taste of Clumpies Ice Cream today.

If you enlarge the pic, you can see her top teeth shining through!

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Standing up


Originally uploaded by griffey

I realized that I hadn’t spoken up here in a long time, but it’s mainly due to the fact that I’m having too much fun with Eliza to write about it. đŸ™‚ She’s come so far in the last two months it’s hard to enumerate all the changes: standing, cruising, scooting, clapping, not to mention things like sleeping through the night nearly every night. She’s fast-forwarding to toddlerhood all on her own, weaning herself down on the amount of formula she’s drinking with no input from us, eating more and more real food, and is just a little bit of balance away from running around the house on her own.

My favorite thing right now: shes learned to play peek-a-boo, and if you give her a cloth will cover her head herself in the clumsiest way she can, hold it for a second or three, then pull it down looking for you. Adorable.

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Heading out


Originally uploaded by griffey

I’ll be in the jungle if you need me. Going to find some elephants and giraffes. Be back for lunch. Ciao!

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Betsy’s Thoughts


Originally uploaded by griffey

Here’s what Betsy does while we listen to Eliza scream and cry going to sleep the last 4 nights.

To be fair, last night she cried for 22 minutes, then drifted to sleep, and slept all night until 7am. So something is definitely working.