Digital Culture


After a long and torturous discussion, Bets and I have determined that I am a unique individual because I must be the only human alive who has seen all of the following live in concert:

Yes, I’ll admit: I saw Winger live and in concert. I was young and impressionable, what can I say?

Blog challenge: what concert combinations have YOU seen that make you unique?


Jason’s Rules of Philosophy

Today, Bets and I undertook a massive task: to go through the accumulated papers of 10 years, and dump what needed to be dumped. We just threw out a 4 drawer filing cabinet, and it was packed with useless papers. One of these papers was the following, from my time at OU as a Master’s student in philosophy. My observed rules of the academic study of philosophy.

  1. Whenever someone says “I will show” they probably won’t.
  2. Any ethical argument that relies on a Nazi example is automatically at question.
  3. The non-philosophical default setting for metaphysics is realism; for ethics is relativism; and for logic is ignorance.
  4. Even diehard Idealists won’t step in front of a bus
  5. “Ceteris Paribus” conditions aren’t and won’t

If any of that makes any sense, you paid attention in Intro to Philosophy.

Digital Culture



Man. Gotta have me one of these. Talk about serious geek.

Master's Paper Personal

Going to bed now.

Another night of the Master’s Paper. Bibliography = check. Abstract = check. Subject headings = check. All formatting = check. All that’s missing is that seal of approval from Paul, which hopefully comes this weekend.

Master's Paper Progress

Digital Culture

Here’s a prediction…

Someone in SILS next year will take one of these two new Open Source Social Networking systems, install it, and finally the dream of SILSter will be realized.

Peopleaggregator and Slashter

Digital Culture


….finally, after many, many hours of work, and countless evenings up late, finally the Master’s Paper is finished.