The Living Dead

Diary of the Dead

Romero! The Living Dead!

As most of you know that have been reading for any length of time, I’m a huge sucker for zombies. Romero is the king of the zombie film, so this is a must-see for me. I’m a little worried about it coming out near Cloverfield, which takes the first-person-Blair-Witch style storytelling to a major motion picture, and it looks like this might be seen as a rip off. In any case, Romero + zombie = The Win.

The Living Dead

How to Survive a Zombie Attack

I do so love Commoncraft.

Gaming Monkeys Personal The Living Dead

At GenCon

GenConSo this weekend is my annual pilgrimage to Indianapolis to GenCon. This may be my last until Eliza gets big enough to want to go with me…but it’ll be great if that happens!

I know that Josh Neff has done the GenCon thing…with all the rage around gaming librarians, any other librarians hitting the largest gaming convention in the world?




My love for Tarantino and Rodriquez films (yes, even Spy Kids) runs deep, and to say that I was looking forward to Grindhouse would be putting it lightly. However, I have now read the most touching, heartfelt review of a film that I have ever had the pleasure of reading, and it has made seeing Grindhouse a religious quest. The depth of understanding that the reviewer brings to the analysis, the nuanced wordsmithery…this is a review that is, standing alone, better than 90% of the films on the market today. I can only imagine the film that inspired such words.

I give you: Neill Cumpston’s review of the epic Grindhouse. I wanted to provide an excerpt of his words here, to give you, dear reader, some tease of the wonders to come if you follow that link…but to take his words from their contextual bosom would be to rob them of their power and finesse. Just go, and read, and be enlightened.

Digital Culture

Day of the Dead

photo credit : Scott Beale / Laughing Squid and link the credit to
photo credit : Scott Beale / Laughing Squid @

Yet another zombie mob scene in San Fransisco this past week.

Is it a coincidence that I’m blogging this today, on the first day of classes? 😉