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Eliza Reads

Eliza reads to herself. Sort of.
Gaming Library Issues Media

Techsource – Alternate Reality Games

Just published a new post over a ALA Techsource about Alternate Reality Games. If you don’t know what they are, or just want to see who I think is doing good stuff with them in LibraryLand, go take a look.


Balancing time and effort

I have been a bad, bad blogger. So little content here recently, but I have an excuse! Well, several, actually, but this one is in video form. I’m actively trying to be more focused with my time, as well as learn how to direct my somewhat fractured attention span. To learn more about the sorts of things I’m trying to shape and redirect, here’s Merlin Mann speaking at Google:


Weekly Tweets from 2008-11-16

  • Thinking of picking up a <$200 point-and-shoot for my London trip. Who has one they love, and what is it? #
  • Ok tweeps, camera choice: Do I want the Canon SD1100 or the Nikon S210. Very similar in features, looking for someone who’s used either… #
  • After I thought Oct. was going to be a crazy month, November is nuts. Oh, and Dec too. Chicago next weekend, London 2 weeks later. #
  • Anyone have a Boxee invite they want to share with me? #
  • Wondering if I have time to order new Moo cards before London trip. Probably not. #
  • Lazyweb request: who is a female writer who I can reference with Arthur Conan Doyle and Charles Dickens as “famous for writing serial lit”? #
  • I could waste an enormous amount of time on this: #
  • Going to try a portion of my London presentation “Lessig Style”. Already up to almost 20 slides for just my intro, which is like 30 seconds. #
Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Eliza profile: eleven months

IMG_6257.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza is 11 months old today! She took several steps (3-4 at a time, 3-4 times) today! Walking is just around the corner. Uh oh…

Favorite foods: broccoli, cheese, yogurt, mandarin oranges, banana

Favorite toys: all her dolls and stuffed animals, empty bottles, anything she finds in the bathroom when we forget to shut the door

Favorite hobbies: “feeding” her babies, hugging them, talking to them, etc. Talking and talking and talking in her special Eliza language, trying to walk.

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Learning to talk

IMG_6217.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Much to her dad’s chagrin, Eliza loves the few dolls that people have given her as gifts. She calls them “babies.” She “talks” to them, gathers them all in her arms, hugs them, drags them around the house, brushes their hair, and sometimes pretends to feed them when she is finished with her bottle. Dad is proud to say, though, that she also likes the enormous Iron Giant action figure that he let her borrow. And her stuffed bats and monsters.

She has slowed down in her desire to walk and instead put her energies toward learning to talk. She has at least six words that she says clearly and consistently: mama, daddy, baby, cat, duck, and dog/doggy. She has also said “teddy” (for teddy bear) a few times and sometimes instead of “cat” says “kitty.” She clearly understands many more words: no (and usually obeys, shaking her head), bottle, shoes, socks, book, blankie, lion and some other animal words. I’m trying to teach her colors, and I’m starting to speak to her more in Spanish. So far she smiles, but she can tell it’s not our “real” language.


Twitters from 2008-11-09

  • Thinking of picking up a <$200 point-and-shoot for my London trip. Who has one they love, and what is it? #
  • @etches and @brewinlibrarian : you’re both right, itweet looks lovely. Have to try it on my iphone, see how it looks there. in reply to etches #
  • @michellelentz some people consider the lack of sustained narrative a downside. in reply to michellelentz #
  • Ok tweeps, camera choice: Do I want the Canon SD1100 or the Nikon S210. Very similar in features, looking for someone who’s used either… #
  • @wordnerdy Thanks for the recommendation! I’m a fan of the canons…good to know. in reply to wordnerdy #
  • After I thought Oct. was going to be a crazy month, November is nuts. Oh, and Dec too. Chicago next weekend, London 2 weeks later. #
  • Anyone have a Boxee invite they want to share with me? #
  • Wondering if I have time to order new Moo cards before London trip. Probably not. #
Personal Technology

Obama’s Acceptance Speech as cloud

Been awhile since I did one of these, and this definitely captures something special. I love the way that the cloud came together to say “new america yes”.


Twitters from 2008-11-08


Twitters from 2008-11-07

  • @smalljones Ok: Sweet Carolina, his cover of Hank Williams Lovesick Blues, and Too Be Young. Also: anything with Whiskeytown. in reply to smalljones #
  • @smalljones I’m not sure I would even compare Joy Division and Adams, but ok. We can agree to disagree. đŸ™‚ in reply to smalljones #
  • @peatbogyeri Nope. Never owned an ASUS, but have heard good things. They make a lot of notebooks for other companies, too. in reply to peatbogyeri #
  • Did some research for my London trip. Heading home to cuddle Eliza now. #