Yet more in the LOL meme: Lolzilla!
Tag: Images
Thanks to Jessamyn for directing me to lolbrarians.
Hot Library Action
From The Nonist, some Hot Library Smut:
Yesterday I came across a truly gorgeous book of photographs by Candida HĂƒÂ¶fer titled, Libraries, a title which pretty much says it all, because that is just exactly what it is, one rich, sumptuous, photo of a library interior after another. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s like porn for book nerds. Seriously. They are gorgeous photos, nearly all without visitors and just begging to be entered. (ha. sorry.)
And boy are they some pretty pics:
If you want your very own library porn, you can order it from the publisher.
Valleyschwag 2
I recieved my first Valleyschwag package yesterday…I must say, I’m impressed. From the detail put into the packaging to the schwag itself, a cool once a month surprise. It’s like having a birthday every month!
It was, as you can see, wrapped in painted burlap. After you peeled away the burlap, the goodies inside were:
All in all, not bad for $14.95. The Rubyred T-shirt and the Goatse stickers will be worth that much in conversation at least, and the PerplexCity cards are just cool.
Travis and Samantha
Had the distinct honor of attending the wedding of my best friend on Monday. Travis Bryant wed Samantha Dunaway at Duke Gardens in Durham, NC on May 15, 2006. Take a look at the photos, and if you attended and have any to add, shoot me an email and I’ll invite you to join the flickr group.
David Beckham Chia Head
Ok….sometimes, I just can’t help myself. I see something for sale, and it’s just weird enough that I must own it. This happened last weekend, when Betsy and I took a trip to the Unclaimed Baggage Center. This is the place where all the stuff that the airlines lose goes to
die be sold. My favorite part about this process was seeing the sorts of things people lose/airlines lose/people leave behind on planes. Things like…oh…wheelchairs. What happens when they lose your wheelchair? They had an anatomical model of the lower arm. They had random sporting equipment. They had used underwear. There is seriously anything you can imagine, and a few things you can’t. This is one of them.
Yes, this appears to be a David Beckham Chia Head. I’ll say that one more time for those of you in the back: A David. Beckham. Chia. Head.
While I’m not a huge soccer fan, even I know who he is. Why it is that someone, somewhere felt it necessary to make a model of his head with which to grow vegetation is another question.
Well, I had to own this. Not only that, but I decided that I had to photograph the evidence, and try to actually grow said vegetation. I’ll document this, and post updates and analysis here on my blog. Stay tuned for the ongoing saga of the David Beckham Chia!
Inventing a term…
For anyone who has spent any time on the web on discussion boards, there is a particular sort of image that pops up occasionally. As far as I know, there is no descriptive term for this type of image, and I think there should be. The images invariably show up during heated/humorous discussion threads, as either a put down or a humerous comment on the thread or a specific comment on it. The images normally have text, sometimes text that is itself a net-witticism or initialism. Mostly these are used for comic effect. They’ve been around a LONG time.
But as far as I know, there’s no word to describe them. We’ve got “emoticon” as a image that is composed of puncuation used as a reminder of emotion behind words, but nothing for these.
So I ask the Interweb: what should these things be called? You need examples? You asked for it:
Again, these are normally posted into a discussion thread as a method of communicating humor/anger/other emotion.
So, Interweb…what should these things be called? Imagesmacks? I need to know how to refer to this group of things!
Graffiti No. 2
Graffiti No. 1
I’ve decided to start blogging the more interesting images that I find around me. My Razr has come in terrifically handy for capturing my favorites…mostly graffiti and signs that I find interesting/humorous/both.
Here’s one from my library, from one of the men’s restrooms.