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- Back to work, big ILS upgrade day. Pray for me. #
- Just discovered that @infosciphi and I are from the same area of KY. Small world. #
- @cindi: I’m from Carter County, far eastern KY, half-hour from the WV border on I-64. #
- Who else on Simplify? Add me: griffey Is there a list somewhere of Library Simplify names? ๐ #
- oracle problem, ils upgrade delayed but moving forward #
- in alabama, on the way back from beach… #
- Last day of work for the week: Beach, here I come! #
- @msauers: the HP7 PDF was up days before the actual release of the book. #
- My simplify media username, unsurprisingly: griffey #
- Holy crap! Google Maps just added a drag and drop feature to change routes…try a directions search, and then drag the route around…neat! #
- I’m outta here: Vacation, here I come. Expect not so many twitters twixt now and Monday, gang. #
- @akearns: I would go with WP, but I’m a longtime WP fan. #
- @wanderingeyre: I’m all in for big game @ ALA. Been there, done that at other conferences… #
- Knew joshuaneff was cool. Anyone who’s been to GenCon rocks…. #
- Late, finally heading home. Annual report, Collection Development, and weeding project all due in the next week. #
- trying to work a Walt Crawford joke into my upcoming book review. Sadly, word count may prevent it from seeing print… #
- up too early, headed in for ILS systems training…upgrading next week. *sigh* #
- @wanderingeyre: Thanks! I try…. #
- Check out what interrupted our picnic on Saturday: #
- HP7 all day, with a party and dinner between chapters. ~400 pages in…will finish tonight. #
- HP7 finished at midnight last night…that’s less than 7 hours for the book. Will listen to audio book this week…. #
- So twits: when does the “no HP spoilers!” thing go away? I want to ask people questions!! #
- @tinfoilraccoon: can’t seem to find the room…URL? #
- Harry Potter will NOT be a New York Times bestseller: #
- it’s a girl! #
- Sorry to mislead: Baby due in December—Ultrasound this morning confirmed sex. ๐ But still exciting!!!! #
- So: Imagine BIGWIG was up to something, and needed a URL. What URL should we use? #
- @cindi: why the lock suddenly? #
- @stevencohen: thanks for the shout-out on librarystuff. ๐ #
- Back at work, must be productive! #
- If Libraries Had Shareholders: #
- Setting up Twitter to post a digest to my blog, since I’ve been neglecting it in favor of micro-blogging lately…. #