Digital Culture

ESR is back to blogging

And letting the whole blogsphere know JUST how he feels about CSS, and how he feels about WordPress among his other outspoken views. ESR never fails to entertain, and speak from the hip.

AND he’s hosted by everyone’s favorite digital library: Ibiblio

Digital Culture

Note to blogsphere…

…if someone is linked to my Old Blog, please update your links to the blog you are reading.

Thank you.


Digital Culture

Have I mentioned that I love iTunes?

So here’s my latest revelation about iTunes: it isn’t the Store, or the media playing capabilities. No, no, no. It’s all about the metadata. The usefulness of it comes almost entirely from the complete and utter ease of applying data about the songs to themselves, and then being able to use said data to organize and search your media.

MP3’s have supported metadata (id3 tags) since the standard’s inception, but most media players only use this metadata for informing the user: what song is playing, what song is coming up. They didn’t let you interact with the data, apply your own info to it, and search and sort based on it. This is really the strength of iTunes…from being able to set the “style” (rock, pop, rap) to being able to “rate” the songs with a star count, to being able to attach cover art to a song (as easy as dragging and dropping from a browser…I just search Amazon for the album cover, then yank it).

So that you, Apple, for finally allowing my metadata and media to mix. I love it.

Digital Culture

Libraries in Japan asked to stop lending out books…

Story from the Daily Yomiuri.

Digital Culture

Ibiblio in Wired!!!

So…I’m trying to figure out how Wired managed to interview Paul for a feature, take pictures of campus, and no one decided to tell me about it? We even get pictures of some classmates in the story. Great publicity for Ibiblio, and here’s hoping it ends up in the print version (not likely, but would be excellent). Very cool stuff…congratulations, all you wacky Ibiblio guys….and great publicity for librarians as well (The title of the piece is “Freedom Fightin’ Librarians…Where sharing isn’t a dirty word”…you GO wired).

Digital Culture

Help a brutha out…

…I consider myself very familiar with the concerns put forth by Larry Lessig et al, as well as the Creative Commons and other sites attempting to create an Open Source/Open Culture vibe in the US. But what I can’t find is a site that discusses the general issues…what is it, specifically, that is the problem? How do Open Source software licenses and things like the GPL overlap with Lessig/Eldred and their issues with copyright? It isn’t actually very straighforward at all…which is one reason I’m trying to formulate this for my Master’s Paper. There’s a net of sites that all talk about the issues without really describing them in any concise way (the EFF, Eldred, and the ones previously mentioned).

So…does anyone out there in blog land know of a good “summary of issues” site for this stuff? Or is that what I should be doing? Because I really think it’s needed…..

Digital Culture

Neat little RDF/Creative Commons plugin for Mozilla…

Today was a good day for techie software….Go and check out MozCC, all you Creative Commons loving, Mozilla using types. It’s a plugin for Moz that reads the CC RDF info off of a webpage and gives you a synopsis of the chosen license. Pretty nifty.

Digital Culture

This took longer than I thought…

…take a look at MyTunes.

Digital Culture

And yet more social software…

…for those friendster addicts that just need a new fix:


which looks a little like friendster on crack, complete with animated social network map (check the animated demo).

Digital Culture

List of amazing stuff from BoingBoing

I am shamelessly ripping them off, but JEEEZ this is a bunch o’ cool links…

Segway based robot
Mayberry gets Wi-Fi
last, but certainly not least…sushi served on naked women.

The last one is just a gratuitous attempt at getting my site listed in Google for “sushi” and “naked.”