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Eliza is four months old

IMG_2562.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Seems like only yesterday I was typing that she was four WEEKS old. Good grief, where is the time going?

She’s working on rolling over (can’t quite do it yet), started babbling a week or so ago, and is still laughing/giggling up a storm. She has also grown a lot of hair this week, believe it or not. Her new favorite thing is sitting up with help. She likes that angle on the world much better than lying down. She is amazing with her hands now and her head is quite steady. Our little girl is growing up!

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Missing Dad

IMG_2209.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Jason is on his first trip away from home since Eliza was born. I know he’s missing her. She’s missing him, too. He’s usually the one who gives her baths, but yesterday I had to do it. I think she was a little confused.

She’s sleeping like crazy now that all of our company is gone. She was out like a light at 10:15 last night and slept until 7:30 this morning! That’s a new Eliza record!

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And one more visitor

IMG_2169.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Friends Tim and Brian came down from Ohio for a few days, so Eliza got to meet yet more people! She and Tim have the same attention span and bubbly personality, so they got along great!

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Even more visitors

IMG_2133.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Here is Eliza with her cousins Kelsi and Drevin, whom she met for the first time a few days ago. Everyone fell in love with “little E,” as my family calls her. She seemed to have a great time, too, but was totally exhausted by the time they left!

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Quit pulling my hair!

IMG_2084.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

It has been a big week for Eliza: a visit from Nana and cousin Parker, lots of playing with Aunt Chrysty, hanging out on the porch in the warm weather, and several outings for lunch. She’s feeling a lot better, playing more, and working on rolling over every chance she gets. We might get some more visitors later this weekend, if Aunt Kimberly and cousins decide to make the trip from Kentucky.

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Brand New Girl

IMG_2002.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

I guess the ear problems are gone…or she’s outgrowing her fussiness. Or she just LOVES our friend Chrysty, who is in town for a visit. Whatever the cause, Eliza has been a bundle of sunshine lately. Happy, happy, happy. Giggling, smiling, cooing, thrilled to be alive. That’s not to say she doesn’t still get upset when she’s tired, but when she’s awake, she is like a new baby. And she is napping like an absolute champ, in her crib, and for 30 minutes or more at a time. No more little cat naps while in the swing or bouncy chair! Nope, real, honest-to-goodness naps. Aaaaahhhh. Mom breathes a sigh of relief. For now, at least.

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Tough week

Eliza has been uncharacteristically grumpy for about two weeks (maybe a little more). We thought it was a bit strange, since everything we read and everyone we talked to said babies tend to get less fussy when they’re around 3 months old. Instead, our normally happy girl has been getting progressively fussier. As I started to observe more and more spit up (including some of the projectile variety), I decided to call the doctor.

She suggested we try gas drops. We did, with no change. Then she suggested switching to soy formula. Eliza turned into exorcist-baby: the worst spit-up ever and a very strange two hour crying spell that could not be stopped.

In a panic, I called the doctor and begged for an appointment. Turns out she has some reflux, but not enough to make the doctor want to try medicine. And she is against putting rice in the bottle, which is a common treatment for reflux. So I’m somewhat frustrated that it isn’t being treated. And in addition to the reflux (or maybe because of it??) she has some fluid in one of her ears. We think that’s the reason for the grumpiness…pain and pressure. We noticed she had been pulling on that ear, but figured it was just because she had discovered it. We’re trying eardrops and baby Tylenol, and we’ll see how it goes. So far her mood has improved a little bit, although she still prefers to be held. It’s been a tough week for everybody.

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Eliza and the bee

IMG_1823.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza has a little chair with things that hang down to amuse her while she sits there and vibrates. Not only has she learned to bat at them, she is also now grabbing them. Yesterday she managed to pull this little bee down all by herself and then held onto it for a while. She even carried it with her to the changing table and held it while we changed her diaper. I’d also like to point out which hand she is using for most of her newfound dexterity. Just like mom! Lefties rule!

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Growing like a weed

IMG_1711.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Gorgeous day for a walk around campus yesterday. Eliza slept through most of it. Note the chubby cheeks in this picture and how small this hat is getting (it used to swallow her entire head). She is growing like crazy this week. And drooling like you would not believe (thus the bib). She’s also starting to coo a bit more. We’ve even heard a few small giggles. She seems to be particularly enamored with her dad right now…she lights up when he gets near her.

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Mommy’s shopping spree

IMG_1695.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Well, after griping about little girls’ clothes, I was somewhat successful in shopping for Eliza this weekend. She’s outgrowing everything faster than we can put her in it. I had to stay strong, though, since I went with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, both of whom want to put Eliza in frilly little outfits with bows and ruffles. But I prevailed. Some jeans, a few comfy gender-neutral outfits like this one, and some new sleepers, and she’s good for what…the next few weeks!?!?