Well, after griping about little girls’ clothes, I was somewhat successful in shopping for Eliza this weekend. She’s outgrowing everything faster than we can put her in it. I had to stay strong, though, since I went with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, both of whom want to put Eliza in frilly little outfits with bows and ruffles. But I prevailed. Some jeans, a few comfy gender-neutral outfits like this one, and some new sleepers, and she’s good for what…the next few weeks!?!?
2 replies on “Mommy’s shopping spree”
Congrats Betsy and Jason. With those Big Bright eyes and that adorable little face, Your gonna have a hard time keeping the Boyfriends away, but be glad you got a few years yet.
I love the web page, it looks and is a really nice idea.
As for the reason for the puffy flowers on clothers (boy usually have puffy trucks, cars ect) is she’s at the age of exploring with touch and it helps her to feel and grab at the cloths and learn to explore with their hands.
I’m very happy for you both, and can’t wait to see more pictures
Wow, cute outfit!
Two words, both of which you probably already know: Old Navy. We’ve found some pretty decent, mostly gender-neutral stuff there, and you can’t beat the price. That way, when she grows out of the clothes on the ride back from the store, you won’t feel so bad.
Also, if you feel like being very very spendy: Hanna Andersson. Lots of nice non-pastels here, and the quality is terrific. My rich uncle got James an outfit from there and it’s just lovely. Which reminds me, I should check to see if it still fits…