
Twitters from 2008-11-06


Twitters from 2008-11-05

  • Listening to President-Elect Obama for the first time. Goosebumps! #
  • Going to bed after Obama speech. See you all tomorrow. #
  • touring apps state library #
  • @JasonFalls did anyone fill you in re: delicious? You can take the HTML export, and convert to XML. that should be spread-sheetable. in reply to JasonFalls #
  • Long day. Toured Appa State library, lots of good building ideas from them. Checked in with @ksclarke while I was there. Long drive home. #

Obama wins

Barrack Obama has won the presidency of the United States. I have hope for my country again, and am almost deliriously proud of my fellow Americans.

Thank you, all of you, who voted.


Twitters from 2008-11-04

  • heading out now to vote, taking Eliza with. Hope she makes the right choice. 🙂 #
  • voted. Eliza made the right choice. #
  • waiting now for flu shot. Then to post office to mail passport renewal. #
  • for tweeps in California: vote NO on prop 8! #
  • @stevelawson Happy Bday! I hope you get the present you want…and the president you want! in reply to stevelawson #
  • @ksclarke – Heading your way today. We’re touring Appa State Library to get ideas for our new building. Hope to see you tomorrow! in reply to ksclarke #
  • on the road to Appalachian state univ. Touring library tomorrow. #
  • OH goes Obama! Game over, man…game over. #
  • @jenica26 I agree. I wanted this to happen for 2 years. Now that it’s here, it seems unreal. in reply to jenica26 #
  • @dwfree Agreed. CA, WA, and OR are 74 total. Obama has this one. in reply to dwfree #
  • Wondering about the election outcome? Check: #
  • CNN officiall projecting Obama wins. #
  • I’m speechless. So much hope for my country for the first time in 8 years. Don’t let us down, Barrack. #
  • Wikipedia article already changed for Obama. That makes it official. 🙂 #
  • The next most important election is still undecided: Will Al franken win Minnesota?? #
Brand_New_World Uncategorized


IMG_6108.JPG, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza has a fifth tooth! It took us a little bit by surprise. We’re assuming the sixth one is on the way soon.

Still not walking, but trying really hard. Can now pull up and stand, letting go of the furniture, for about 10 seconds. Getting better and better with the whole balance thing.

Lots has happened since the last post: another ear infection, her first Halloween (Eliza was a bat!), a trip to Gatlinburg with family, and her first presidential election (Eliza helped Daddy vote).


Twitters from 2008-11-03


Vote Obama


I hesitated to blog politically, but this election is just too important to the country and the people within it. It was the essay by David Sedaris in the New Yorker entitled Undecided that finally put me over the edge and into blogging about my feelings:

“To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.”

Now, I have never been undecided in this election. McCain is just another round of pampered yuppie, a third-generation military brat who is a just not a nice person in any way. His record is anything but (*yuck*) “maverick”, and his choice of running mate in Sarah Palin is frankly still bewildering. She’s just a laughingstock of a running mate, tasked with fueling the fires of misinformation and racial bias that this country can no longer tolerate or afford.

Obama is what this country needs. A new, fresh voice, with good ideas and the willingness to see them through. He gives me hope that in 4 years, perhaps we won’t be scorned in international discussions, involved in wars that are being waged for no good reasons, and on our way to recovering the basic rights that have been flushed away by the Bush administration.

So: for those of you in the US: Vote. Vote for hope, and change. Vote for the first racial minority presidential candidate. Vote for a different America for our children, because I don’t want Eliza to inherit the one we’ve got.

Vote Obama/Biden.


Twitters from 2008-11-02

  • Anyone out in Twitterland with a invite? I would greatly appreciate! #
  • Big day out, went by Omaba rally in Monteagle, picked up pins and yard sign. #
  • Eliza, for dinner, had hamburger, asparagus, part of a bun, and yogurt bites. She’s a bottomless pit. #
  • @joshuamneff somewhere between a quarter and half of one, the top of a bun, and about 6-8 asparagus tops. She’s a pit, I tell you. in reply to joshuamneff #
  • @DavidBThomas Is it one of the small square Airport Expresses? If so, it makes a dandy audio extender if you use iTunes. in reply to DavidBThomas #