3D Printing Release_Candidate

Myths and Truths of the 3-D Printing ‘Phenomenon’

Really great article about how 3D printing will compliment other manufacturing techniques, and what it’s really good for.

Never before have we had a technology where we can so freely translate our ideas into a tangible object with little regard to the machinery or skills available. Yet just as the microwave didn’t replace all other forms of cooking as initially predicted, 3-D printing will not replace other manufacturing technologies let alone industrial-scale ones for a variety of reasons. It will complement them.

via An Insider’s View of the Myths and Truths of the 3-D Printing ‘Phenomenon’ | Wired Opinion |

3D Printing Release_Candidate

Pneumatic logic

The RepRap project was how I first learned about 3d printing. It has the remarkable mission, in that I’m remarking about it, of printing all of the parts to make another printer. Wow. Well, in principle, all of the circuits can be replaced with pneumatic ones. And also, you know, it might make a cool theme for a sci-fi flick. Just imagine a 3d printer printing with a background of hydraulic valves, pumps and hoses. Generate a pressure difference with steam and you’ve made a steam punk wet dream.

Personal presentation

Mississippi Roadtrip

Starting Monday, May 13th, I’ll be starting one of the more unusual speaking gigs of my library career: a roadtrip through the state of Mississippi. I’ll be traveling with a couple of members of the Mississippi State Library Commission, doing training sessions in 4 different cities in 4 different parts of the state in 5 days. Starting in northern MS, I’ll be going from Booneville to Greenville to Flowood to Bay St. Louis, north to south for the distance of the state.

I’ve done plenty of workshops and trainings and presentations before, but this is the first time I’ll be doing the same training this many times this quickly. I’ve also never really been through Mississippi before, and I’m excited to see the state from my car, and have the ability to stop and look around if I’d like.

So: if anyone out there is in MS and wants to say “hey”, come be a part of the training in question. Or give me a yell and maybe we can have a drink one of the nights I’m driving through your area. It’s gonna be interesting.

3D Printing Release_Candidate

Printrbot Simple

Anyone interested in a $300 3D printer? How cheap can one of these get?

The Printrbot Simple is an exercise in 3d printing minimalism. It includes only what is needed to get started in the world of 3D printing.  At $299, we think you will agree that it is both tiny…and a really big deal.

Printrbot Simple – Beta | printrbot.

3D Printing Release_Candidate

botObjects | ProDesk3D – The Worlds First Full Color 3D Desktop Printer

This looks great, but screams “vaporware” to me. Mixing PLA after it’s melted to achieve different colors? Auto-leveling build plate? Built in support for PVA dual-extruder supports? It’s all technically possible, but way, way non-trivial.

But maybe! I’ll keep an eye on this one.