Digital Culture

Check it out:

Check it out:

For now it just forwards, but ibiblio is in the process of virutal hosting, so….I decided that if I was moving into a professional mode and looking for jobs and such, anonymity wasn't what I was going for. I also registered for future use.


Digital Culture

Go, Go NC legislature! NC just

Go, Go NC legislature! NC just became the first state to get a law to the governor concerning the right to refill inkjet cartridges. Sounds wierd, I know, but it's one of the stranger pieces of fallout from the DMCA.

Story from Herald Sun.

Slashdot thread.

Digital Culture

Thanks for those that point

Thanks for those that pointed out my broken-ocity this last evening. I was editting my .htaccess file trying to get ISIS to be happy with PHP, but evidently just didn't have any success. Should be all fixed now.


Digital Culture

Just a quick blog….just m

Just a quick blog….just made it to Cincy, OH. 8 hours, 15 minutes door to door, with two quick pit stops. Not a bad drive, actually. Dinner tonight, then Columbus bound for Origins. Lots of pictures forthcoming from that, but no access after tomorrow…so it'll be up next week.

Have a great weeked, guys!

Digital Culture

Round-up of Links About SCOTUS Decision to Censor Library Internet Access.

Not too much new to report about the SCOTUS censorship decision yet, but here are more links from around the web. Some librarians are reporting calls from companies selling filtering software already. Oy.

Look twice at that Yahoo News headline – it refers to the Court approving “anti-porn” filters in libraries. What they fail to mention is that there's a heck of a lot more content than just porn that is also being blocked.

I want to make sure that I note that this ruling currently applies only to those libraries that accept federal e-rate money for technology and telecommunications. Unfortunately, with the funding situation facing most libraries today, many don't have a choice. And as Andrew Mutch implied in his message, it's a good bet that Congress will try to apply this logic to ALL federal funding now, which means pretty much every library everywhere.

It will be interesting to see if this applies to wireless internet within a library, too. What a major step backwards that would be.

[The Shifted Librarian]

Digital Culture

For those that might have m

For those that might have missed it, big defeat in library land today. Have I mentioned that I'm really not happy with the political leanings of our government right now? I think this is a poor reading of the first amendment, as well as detrimental to libraries public trust. Hopefully something like SquidGuard or something much like it will become the defacto standard for library filtering, since it's free (as in beer and speech) and it allows you to control the filtering in a plain text file. No hidden commercial filters would be great, and since the CIPA isn't specific on WHAT libraries should filter in order to continue to recieve federal funding, perhaps they could just install something like squidguard, block…oh… (the perennial joke on Slashdot), and then leave access to the rest of the web alone. Would that satisfy CIPA?

US Supreme Court Upholds CIPA [Slashdot]

Digital Culture


Great point by Lessig about reasons that librarians should ALL be signing the petition for the Public Domain. Sign up, people!


cutting libraries while killing the commons. Commons-blog has a nice link to a story about Milwaukee libraries being defunded. Yet at the same time, extensions of copyright terms simply increase the cost of getting access to content. If every librarian signed our Reclaim the Public Domain Petition, then perhaps we could rebuild a public domain that could make the costs of libraries fall. [Lessig Blog]


Digital Culture

Just about to get off work.

Just about to get off work…just have time to blog for a moment about a book that's really making me think: Bobo's in Paradise by David Brooks, an incredibly sharp witted look at the newest ruling class in the US, the bourgeois bohemians (Bobo for short). The book takes a historical look at the class structure of the US, from roughly the turn of the century on, and comments on the differences in intellectual and power classes through time. From the “refined and connected” class of the 30's and 40's through the bohemian uprising into the 60's, and the historical ties both had to European cultures…it's really eye opening to read an expose on a culture that you are a part of, but didn't even realize existed. Fascinating, and it's causing me to rethink a lot of things in both my studies and my life. Can't ask for more than that from a book, I suppose.

Digital Culture

Speaking of eating habits,

Speaking of eating habits, Abe and I had an interesting experience at Southpoint Mall yesterday…after seeing The Italian Job with Trish, she headed out and Abe and I tried to grab some grub. Unfortunately, every quick eatery at the mall evidently closes at 6pm on Sundays….all of them. Don't understand that, since the movie theatre shows movies all through the evening. The only things that stayed open were the sit down places that would take like 2 hours to get in and eat.

So: Boooooooo on the Food Court at Southpoint. Booooooooooooo.

Digital Culture

Hmm…So maybe the upload I

Hmm…So maybe the upload IS working. Still shaking the bugs out of the system here.

Well, tomorrow Bets jaunts off to faraway FLA and sticks me here by my lonesome, with just the kitties to keep me company. The kitties, and my new Xbox. ๐Ÿ™‚ If anyone has game recommendations, post'em up…always like good game design, regardless of the genre. Also, if anyone wants to do dinner for the next week or so (late, though…working in the Collab 'til 8pm nearly every night) let me know…gonna be starving for human contact. ๐Ÿ™‚

Speaking of gaming, for those who don't know, I _love_ games. Adore them. Game design is a hobby of mine, and I'm a playtester for a company (Comic Images) who produces one of the more popular Collectible Card Games, Raw Deal. It's a game based on the World Wrestling Entertainment brand of professional wrestling. The game is my major hobby…to the point where I'm competing in qualifiers for the world championships over the summer. ๐Ÿ™‚ Wish me luck.