ALA Media Personal

Libraries and Mobile Devices: Public Policy Considerations

This is a panel that I was a part of at ALA 2009 on the future of mobile….phenomenal panelists. I was especially geeked to finally get to meet Eli Neiburger. Anyway, we all had something to say about the future of mobile, and what libraries need to be worried about. Watch it, and let me know if you have any feedback. I’m always interested in what other librarians think about things like this…the future isn’t certain, and it’s always possible that I’m remarkably wrong. 🙂

Here’s part one:

And part two:

ALA Media

Shenanigans with Shanachies

I got ambushed by the Dutch Boys at the OCLC Blog Salon at ALA Annual 2009. Evidently, so did lots of other people…the video below is the result.

OCLC Blog Salon:Shenanigans with Shanachies from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo.


My ALA Annual 2009

Here’s a short little audio summary of what I’m up to at ALA Annual 2009.


Direct link to the AudioBoo, in case you have a problem with the above.

ALA Media Personal Podcasts

Podcast Experiment

audiobooI discovered an audio tool the other day that was too well done and too interesting not to use in some way. Audioboo is currently an iPhone only audio blogging application that knocked my socks off when I tried it out. You sign up for an account, and download the application from the iTunes store.

Once you have the app installed, you can use it to record up to 5 minutes of audio, title it, tag it, attach a photo, and hit send…up it goes to the Audioboo site, and to your personal page.  If that’s all it gave you, it would still be a great app, but it goes the full 2.0 route and automatically feeds your audio into iTunes podcast store for download via iTunes. It gives you a raw RSS feed which you can do with as you will, and even supports embedding of the “boo” anywhere else on the web. Oh, and of course, it with Twitter for you. Here are my first two tries at playing with this new tool:



I’m going to play with this a bit at ALA Annual 2009 in Chicago, maybe track some people down and do flash interviews with them. Try and find something interesting to share, and see if this tool answers some questions on making media available to the masses.

So: Keep your eyes on this space, or even better, subscribe to the RSS feed directly. Let me know what you think, and see if this tool gives you another option when it comes to creating and distributing media.


Midsummer update

It’s been, unfortunately, another big gap in my blogging here. But I’ve been busy!

  • I finished my new book manuscript, and sent it merrily off to Neal Schuman for review.
  • I worked overtime trying to ensure that our new Academic Library got included in the state of TN budget.
  • I’m trying to, if not revolutionize, and least evolutionize the program planning process for LITA.
  • And I’m preparing for what looks like 3 different presentations at ALA Annual 2009:
    • Unconference on Friday at 9:15am at the Palmer House Hilton, Northwest 5 Room
    • OITP Libraries and Mobile Devices Public Policy panel on Sunday at 1:30 in McCormick place West, room W-192a
    • BIGWIG Social Software Showcase on Monday morning at 10:30 in McCormick place West room w-184

If you are attending ALA Annual 2009, please come join me at one of the talks above. I promise not to be too boring. 🙂

That, and a real job, will keep anyone busy, I think. But every time I fail to blog for a week or so, I feel guilty about it. I keep expecting to log in to PatRec, and have it be passive-agressive that I did so: “Oh, so glad that you could visit…no, no, it’s no problem that you’ve been gone so long. Here, let me just warm up the “add new” link for you. It’s not a problem, really.”