
The 4th

For the 4th of July, there were many happenings. Here’s the story in pictures:

There was watermelon, and a great time in the Carrboro Town Commons… …where there was also a quite excellent bluegrass band, the Lonesome
River Band
Later in the weekend, there was hanging out and eating way too much guacamole with Jean at her pool. And of course, there were fireworks. Click the pic for a short movie of some from the Durham Bulls Stadium.

South Park

south park jason
My best effort at myself, using the always fun South Park Character Generator.


And we’re off….

…to the wilds of TN. Pictures soon to follow!


Just a quick update…

Betsy and I are heading to TN yet again this weekend, to (hopefully) visit our new house. New address and such forthcoming as soon as everything is official. Blogging at a lull until next week, probably…maybe some updates from TN (with pictures of the new place!).

Lots of driving, but the prospect of driving when you have all the music you own being broadcast wirelessly to your radio…ah, technology. I love ya like I love monkeys. I’ve decided, after careful consideration, that I like my iPod only slightly less than I like breathing and speaking. Thanks again to all who made it possible. đŸ™‚

Media Personal

Yet another senseless “Who are you?” quiz…

This time, from one of the funniest movies evar, Office Space. The result scares me a little. đŸ™‚


What Office Space character are you?


Post Graduation

I find all I want to do is sleep. đŸ™‚ I should be doing about a billion things (not the least of which is finishing the article from the Master’s Paper), but somehow all enthusiasm is gone for the moment.

I guess I should just revel in the week, and sleep. Betsy keeps telling me I deserve it, so it must be true. Right?

Master's Paper Personal

Graduation pictures up!

For anyone interested, my pictures of the UNC SILS graduation are up now.

We’ll return to our regularly scheduled updates and musings shortly.

Master's Paper Personal


To all the 2004 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science Master’s Degree recipients!

I look forward to seeing tons of you over the summer, and many more over the course of the next bunch o’ years at conferences and such.

Thanks to everyone who helped me get this far (you all know who you are).


File in the “Free Country?” category….

Miramax, a film company owned by the Walt Disney Corporation and home to such diverse films as Kill Bill and Shakespeare in Love has pulled the distribution of Michael Moore’s latest film Farenheit 9/11.

Why? Because they “expressed particular concern that it would endanger tax breaks Disney receives for its theme park, hotels and other ventures in Florida, where Mr. Bush’s brother, Jeb, is governor” according to the story via the NYT.

Wow…this is wrong on so many levels that I can’t even begin to list them. Isn’t there something that should protect this speech from political retaliation of this sort? A company, based in a state, fears retaliation from the governor because the film that said company is producing is critical of his brother, who happens to be the president of the US.



The beauty of Sewanee

cut view of bluff