
Salt Lake City

EDIT: Because Justin asked: I’m in Salt Lake City for training on the SCT/Sungard product Luminis Content Management System which MTSU is adopting. I’m here to learn how to create, edit, and manage templates for the CMS. I’ll post more about that when it’s all sunk in and it’s not just a rant about proprietary systems and silly markup.

Just a few notes on my current abode: the Hotel Monaco in Salt Lake City, Utah. Behold the pictures:

The lovely King sized bed.

One of the more interesting inclusions in the giftpack: the Intimacy Kit. It includes 2 prophylactics, 1 package lubricating jelly, and 2 obstetrical towelettes. I’m interested in the fact that 2 condoms are included, but only one package of lubricating jelly.

My new best friend. The Monaco will loan you a goldfish for your room to help you feel less lonely. I can’t say that the goldfish is as cuddly as either Betsy or my kitties, but it’ll do in a pinch.

The interesting giftpack at the door. I don’t really need the stuffed goldfish, but it is an interesting selection of candy and such. Props for the Altoids, the Jelly Belly’s, and for including a bunch of locally made foods.

The cool-as-hell cheetah print terrycloth robe.

Personal Sewanee

Best Joke Ever

So we’re laying around last night, trying to decide what to have for dinner. I’m leaning towards the Quidnunc Cafe, which serves excellent sandwiches and calzones here on the mountain. Here’s a transcript of the exchange between Betsy and I:

Me: “Come on…you know you want a yummy calzone. You can put anything you want in it, and they bake it all golden brown…”

Betsy: “Like Paris Hilton?”

đŸ™‚ There’s a reason I love the girl. đŸ™‚

Media Personal

If these are any good…

…I’m going to go so broke.

I just found CMH Records, a recording company that specializes in bluegrass cover albums. Covers of what, you may ask yourself…the answer turns out to be….well…freaking everything.

There’s the expected: String Cheese Incident, Phish
The sort of makes sense: Bruce Springsteen (Vol. 1 and 2), John Mayer, Counting Crows
The yes-we-are-hip: Modest Mouse, The White Stripes
The WTF were they smoking: Metallica, Guns-n-Roses

At the very least, I’ve got to get the Counting Crows album, and maybe one of the Springsteen’s for Betsy. I’m greatly tempted by the Metallica, though.

Digital Culture Personal

Google and Griffey

Interesting result for Googling “Griffey”…I’m the 5th hit! In a universe populated by at least two much more famous Griffey’s, I think that’s pretty cool.


My grandfather

Papaw and Me

My mother’s father was born in 1920, and served in the Civilian Conservation Corps in Yellowstone National Park, where he once had a bear walk through his tent. He worked for dozens of years at a garment factory in Olive Hill, KY, producing uniforms for the various armed services. At the funeral of my grandmother, some 15 or so years ago, he broke down over the casket and weeped until I thought he could have no tears left. Growing up, he was always a gentle, kind man. Just last year my Mother visited him to find him on the roof of his house, checking for leaks.

My Grandfather went into the hospital today for pneumonia…and at 84, even a common cold is a serious thing. So I’m a little preoccupied with worrying about him. The hospital assures us that he’s recovering, and that most of the danger has past. His fever has broken, and x-rays show the infection seems to be localized in a small part of his left lung. He is conscious, and coherent, and in good spirits.

But I’m still going to worry until he gets home.

Digital Culture Personal

My current $1.000.000 idea

Ok…I’m pretty certain we’re all sick of the LiveStrong bracelet fad by now. Yes, I know it’s for a good cause. Yes, I know that Lance Armstrong is cool. Yes, I know everyone is doing it. But fucking Nike started it. It can’t be all good.

But when I see cheap rip-off bands in my local Shell station, I declare the fad over. Especially when shit like these are coming out…nothing is worse than knee jerk patriotism (do not get me started about the freaking yellow magnetic ribbons on everyone’s cars).

Anyway…there are already sites where you can order parody ribbons for your car…I think it’s time for parody bracelets. I’m thinking something like…make up a bunch of them with different labels for everyone:

Political: Liberal, Conservative, Left, Right, Green, Socialist, Communist (would have to be Red, I think)
Sexual: Top, Bottom, Queer, Gay, Straight, Trans, Bi
Religious: you can fill these in

Or how about just random messages:

I hate everyone.
Fuck the world.
Penguins rule the universe.

Whatever you wanted. I’m convinced that if I printed up a couple hundred black bands with something like “Metalheads for killing babies” I could sell them like hotcakes.

I’m telling you…I could make a *pinky finger near mouth* million dollars.


Again with the blog delays

This time it’s all my fault. The weekend was spent in Anaheim, CA, attending GenCon SoCal for the first time. Got a good deal on the trip, so I decided to head out and help out running the booth and tournaments for Comic Images. While there, I picked up a couple of Utilikilts, some of the coolest clothing ever. At some point I’m sure there will be kilted pictures, but not today. đŸ™‚

This week is back to work, trying to wrap up old projects and get into new ones. The tech here at MTSU is less than cutting edge, and we’re fixing the sins of the past about half the time. But it’s still going well…I like the people I work with, and aside from the drive it’s a great job.

Next weekend we’re heading to B’s family, to help her dad do some Xmas shopping. Seems like we haven’t had a weekend without an event in so long…don’t remember the last time the two of us were home together on a weekend.


Ryan Adams…

Ryan Adams

Last night we got the chance to see Ryan Adams perform in the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. The Ryman was amazing…such history in that place! Originally the Union Gospel Tabernacle, it opened its doors in 1892 , and the pews that were installed then are still in use today.

Ryan’s performance was amazing…he performed with a backup band, The Cardinals. My only problem was with the encore. I was hoping for something rockin’ to send us out, but we got a very low-key encore. However, in honor of the Ryman, he ended with a beautiful acoustic version of Johnny Cash’s “I Still Miss Someone.”

All in all, a great night seeing a performance of an artist we didn’t actually think we’d ever get to see, given his random touring history.

Legal Issues Personal

The new segregation

So, in reflection of the results from the election, I have a few more thoughts about the fallout.

I fail to see how any rational human being can’t see the connection between “gay marriage is wrong” and “interracial marriage is wrong.” They are both stupid, bigoted, irrational beliefs. Yes, I understand that all the fundamentalists and evangelicals and other loons believe that to be gay is a sin. Guess what? They are wrong. Just like people who believed fervently that racial divisions were somehow illustrative of real divisions of importance and agency were wrong.

The fact that the people of 11 states passed laws/amendments that ban gay marriage in their state both sickens and concerns me. They do realize that there are gay people in their states, right? And that they do things like, oh…work, and pay taxes? The LGBTQ communities in these states should be apoplectic with rage about now, and I say they show the states how unfair and backwards and blindingly silly that these amendments are.

Move. Go to a state that doesn’t treat you like a sub-human. If the states see a drop in the economic structure due to a mass exodus, perhaps someone will notice. Support studies that show that LGBTQ parents that raise children do so as well or better than heterosexual couples. Let your state know that to discriminate on the basis of sexual preference is no different than discrimination on the basis of race. The fight for racial equality in this country took many hundreds of years, and is still ongoing. The LGBTQ community has a fight on their hands, and it’s important that those of us who are not members of that community recognize and work with them to fix the harm that has been done this week.

I’m confused, angered, and more than a little embarrassed at the fact that these amendments passed…it’s going to take a long time for me to trust in my country again.

Media Personal

Cheney = Liar

“I’m the president of the Senate. I’ve been to many sessions…the first time I met you was on this stage tonight.”
Dick Cheney, VP Debate, Oct 6, 2004


Cheney meeting Edwards, 2001
“Thank you. Thank you very much. Congressman Watts, Senator Edwards, friends from across America and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world, Lynne and I honored to be with you all this morning.” [FDCH Political Transcripts, Cheney Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, 2/1/01]

Not to mention the fact that according to Senator Leahy, Dick only meets with the Republican Party members when he attends Congress. I think Lewis Black again said it best: “Dick Cheney…I’ve met Dick Cheney. I’ve never stood so close to evil.”

The Official Kerry/Edwards Blog has a good list of news reactions to Cheney’s lies, including his boldfaced lie that he had never drawn a connection between Iraq/Saddam and 9.11.