Digital Culture

No commentary. Just go there. Do it.

One tip: Keep poking.

Digital Culture

Boy, I’m in a wierd humor mood

Boy, I’m in a wierd humor mood…just spent the last 5 minutes giggling uncontrolably at this comic. Probably only funny to a game geek, but oh well.

In other news: have WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY to much work to do, and don’t wanna do any of it. Spring fever is setting in terribly.

Digital Culture

Finally, bowing to intense pee

Finally, bowing to intense peer pressure, I install comments on my blog. Thousands rejoice at the opportunity to tell me what they really think about me.

Digital Culture

So, I took this test, and here

So, I took this test, and here are the results….try it out for yourself and see which Great Old One you are!

For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about…google for Lovecraft Mythos

I amShub-Niggurath!

Shub-Niggurath is often called the “Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”, and is the force of creation, life, evolution/mutation. She represent the force of the one universal constant (ie change) on the biological. She is often envisioned as a dark, low lying cloud, with goat’s hooves with numerous tenticals writhing from within. Her rites are best performed during a New Moon, or on Mid-Summer’s Eve.

Which Great Old One are you?
Digital Culture

Number Two in Jason’s favorite

Number Two in Jason’s favorite band/mp3’s up today. Here’s an oldie: Toad the Wet Sprocket recently reunited, and have played a handful of live dates. Here’s one of their best: “Something’s always wrong” from a show in March, 2003.

Enjoy. Bonus points if you know where Toad got their name.


Digital Culture

Off to visit friends for the w

Off to visit friends for the weekend (or part of it). Should be interesting…hopefully get away from the war coverage for a bit, and unfortunately maybe get some work done on my papers.

Digital Culture



I haven’t laughed so hard in weeks….

An exerpt from the link:

“However, these propagandists aren’t just targeting the young. Take for example Apple Computers, makers of the popular Macintosh line of computers. The real operating system hiding under the newest version of the Macintosh operating system (MacOS X) is called… Darwin! That’s right, new Macs are based on Darwinism! While they currently don’t advertise this fact to consumers, it is well known among the computer elite, who are mostly Atheists and Pagans. Furthermore, the Darwin OS is released under an “Open Source” license, which is just another name for Communism. They try to hide all of this under a facade of shiny, “lickable” buttons, but the truth has finally come out: Apple Computers promote Godless Darwinism and Communism.”


Digital Culture

One of my favorite blogs “Is T

One of my favorite blogs “Is That Legal” recently had a post about my little town: Carrboro, NC and its recent stand against the war in Iraq.

Very, very funny stuff. I love my little town and its radical history.

Digital Culture

So, watched the Oscars last ni

So, watched the Oscars last night. Thought that some of it was interesting…mainly the controversial parts of course. Michael Moore was phenomenally brave, I thought. To say what he said:

“We live in fictitious times. We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man who’s sending us to war for fictitious reasons, whether it’s the fiction of duct tape or the fiction of orange alerts.”

“We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame on you.”

Was really amazing given the current state of the country. I completely agree with his “fictious” comments…I’ve been complaining for weeks about the made-up nature of the war, of the rational for it, of the attention paid to it…just amazing.

In the interest of getting some real news out there: 70 people were arrested in Cuba just a few days ago in an attempt to quiet government critics.

more news available by searching google.

Digital Culture

Just doing what I always

Just doing what I always do at work…listen to LOTS of music. Lyrics are a great thing for me…love the poetry of good lyrics. So, here goes:

“She was the kind of girl who never touched a smoke or a drink, yeah…
but she smolders like an empty church left to burn in the rain…”

That’s from Wiseblood, written by Kurt Stevens and covered frequently by….take a guess…..yep. Counting Crows.