Tim Spalding, Librarything:
“The library is the most fun you can have with your pants on.”
“You are not better for being a mall…you can’t leave a mall”
- Focus on the OPAC, the website and the opac are not seperate things.
- Allow inbound links
- Link outwards: Why wouldn’t you link to commercial service?
- Link Around: ubiquitous hyperlinks..everything is a first level entity. Everything is massively linked, and this is where serendipity comes in.
- Dress up your OPAC (syndetics): someone needs to create a free database of covers
- Get your Data out there: including RSS, but people don’t want YOUR content, peope want THEIR content. How do you tell people what you are reading from your OPAC? OMGWTF: LibraryThing sharing data with OPAC, including tags and recommendations.