Digital Culture

Happy Birthday to Me

Looking back at birthday’s past, I find a rather maudlin note from 2003 and a happier note from 2004. Pics from 2004 as well in the Gallery.

This is actually one of my favorite things about blogging, is the ability to look back over the years and see where I was, what I was interested in, and what was going on in the world.

That said, this year is very good. I’ve got opportunities in front of me, and a satisfying life here with Betsy in TN. The external world sometimes presses in upon us, but left to our own devices the two of us are doing wonderfully. I can’t really ask for more.


More Bets on the Road

Yet another in the continuing series of Betsy on Spring Break. This one also in Chapel Hill, having lunch with friends at Armadillo Grill.

Thanks to Loren for the pic.

Legal Issues Library Issues

Even more Gormangate followup

And the Gormangate news continues. LISNews put up a summary of the blog coverage, and Library Journal published a reaction piece on the coverage of the story by bloggers, which Karen Schnieder proceeded to take apart with near surgical precision. I don’t really have much to add to her pitch perfect analysis, with the exception of this quote from LJ:

Gorman, whose views do not represent the official positions of either ALA or California State University Fresno (where he directs the library), has received more than 100 messages—more than half of them sent pseudonymously.

Karen does a great job analyzing the first part of this, but I’m a bit interested in the last bit. Why take the time to point out that some of the messages were sent anonymously? The only reason to do so that I can imagine is an attempt to lessen their impact. If the people can’t even put their name on a letter, why should we take them seriously, right? I can’t see any other reason for LJ to point this out, and that’s what bothers me most.

In this country (the US, for those keeping track) we have a longstanding tradition, upheld by the highest court in the land, of anonymous criticism. The courts have long held that for speech to be truly free, one aspect of that is the freedom to be anonymous in your speech. In the central case for this right, McIntyre v. Ohio Election Commission, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote:

Under our Constitution, anonymous pamphleteering is not a pernicious, fraudulent practice, but an honorable tradition of advocacy and of dissent. Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority.

In an even earlier case, Talley v California, Justice Hugo Black, noted:

Even the Federalist Papers, written in favor of the adoption of our Constitution, were published under fictitious names. It is plain that anonymity has sometimes been assumed for the most constructive purposes.

In addition to the various poor journalistic practices pointed out by Karen, to be dismissive of anonymous criticism is to be ignorant of the history of speech in this country. I would expect better of Library Journal.

EDIT: The Shifted Librarian has a humorous look at possible new topics for Gorman to examine.

Legal Issues Library Issues

Help reform copyright law

The US Copyright office is looking for stories about Orphaned works (works where you wish to use them, but the copyright status is either impossible to determine or so complicated as to be enormously costly to determine). As the website describes it:

For designers, academics, artists, musicians, and filmmakers, using copyrighted works can be a huge headache. It can be impossible to find out if a particular work is still under copyright or not. And even when people would happily pay to use a copyrighted photo, passage, or video clip, it’s often impossible (or extremely costly) to find the copyright holder. When this happens, everybody loses. Artists can’t realize their creative vision, academics can’t clearly communicate their ideas, and copyright holders don’t get paid. Even worse, important pieces of our culture get needlessly locked away.

The site is being ran by the EFF, and Public Knowledge, and is basically a clearinghouse form that sends comments directly to the US Copyright office. This is an important request, and the more comments that are sent in the better chance we have of reforming copyright law into something resembling its original purpose:

The Congress shall have Power … To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries

(United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8)

But hurry! The deadline for comments is March 25th!

Digital Culture

There Can Be Only One

A man was beheaded in a frenzied and prolonged axe attack in a London street today.

The axeman, smartly-dressed and in his thirties, felled his victim with one blow and then struck repeatedly “as if he was chopping wood”.

When asked why he had done it, he told officers: “It’s complicated. It’s private.”

Officers didn’t report on the bizarre electrical storm that surely followed the beheading.

The Living Dead

The Zombie Scenario Survivor Test

Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 59!
Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody’s perfect, at least your alive.
Link: The Zombie Scenario Survivor Test written by ci8db4uok on Ok Cupid
Digital Culture

Sewanee Cemetery

One of the wierder sections of Betsy’s contract with The University of the South is that as a tenure track professor she has a right to a plot in the University Cemetery. It’s a very old cemetery for this part of the country, with gravesites dating to before the Civil War. The photo is one of the plot markers that dot the ground among the graves.

Digital Culture

Kelsi at Aquarium

In going through my photos and choosing which to put up on Flickr, I came across a few that I had forgotten I took. This was my favorite of that bunch, a shot of Betsy’s neice Kelsi at the Chattanooga Aquarium.

Digital Culture

Bets in Chapel Hill

Via the power of the camera phone, email, Flicker, Travis, and the general coolness of teh Intarweb, I present: Betsy on vacation in Chapel Hill. Looks like she’s on the way to lunch at Elmo’s Diner. Meanwhile, I’m at home in TN with the new puppy and a bunch of horror films. Let the weekend commence!

Digital Culture


Take a look…an amazing snippet of a news piece from the CBC from 1967 about the Hippie movement in Yorkville. Why should you watch this? Because the hippie that is interviewed at the beginning of the piece, Bill, is now better known as William Gibson, one of the founders of the cyberpunk movement of sci-fi and the writer of the book after which this blog is named.

Really a great window into the world of 1967, but it is incredible to look at that 19 year old and see and hear in him the author that would come to be.