
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Those that know me well might be surprised to hear that as a child I was rabidly addicted to the C.S. Lewis Narnia books. My mother bought me the paperback set of them, and I read them until they fell apart. I adored the powerful children, the idea that these kids could become kings and queens, and could fight evil and win. They could talk to animals, befriend fawns, and command armies…these were the children that I wished I could be.

Discovering that the stories were Christian propaganda was disappointing, to say the least. But I still remember being riveted to the tales, and reveling in the adventure of it all. The morals contained within the stories (greed will cause you heartache and pain, loyalty and bravery will always win the day, love really will make everything right) are universal morals, not just Christian ones. I suppose I can live with the thinly veiled character re-writes of christian mythology, if only because the stories are so very part of my nature.

In any case: now comes the movie, and the trailer. I’m not sure how all of these came out at once, and May became “movie trailer month” on the blog. But I promise that we’ll go back to our regularly scheduled copyright issues, blog defending, and library stuff soon. For now, I give you: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Grab a piece of Turkish Delight and enjoy!

Aslan Aslan Aslan
Aslan Aslan Aslan

Back from Chapel Hill

Back from Chapel Hill, and happy to be back in the wilds of TN. Photos from the amazing wedding will follow shortly (I’d like to suggest everyone, when throwing pics up on flickr, use the same tag so that we can find them all easily…how does “jeananddave” work?).

I’ll try to get pics up this evening, but wanted to take a moment to let everyone know how great it was to see you again. Patrick, Abe, Justin, Jane, Charles, Owen…we miss all of you! You should all come take a vacation in the mountains of Tennessee.


Chillin’ in the ‘hill

Just spent the day finding old friends, and eating lots of food. Morning = campus, and visiting librarians and professors. Lunch = Cosmic Cantina, and the best chicken nachos in the world. Afternoon was Southern Season, driving and hooking up with more friends for dinner at a pretty good Indian food. Evening was games, beer, more games, and a great time with all the people we love and miss in Chapel Hill.

Net gain = One 2005 Championship T-Shirt, great food, and the realization that we have some great friends here.

Library Issues Personal

Finally the silence can be broken

UTC Lupton Library

As of today, I have acccepted a position at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Lupton Library as a Reference/Instruction Librarian. It’s a tenure track faculty position, at a really interesting school, with a lot of opportunity and excitement attached to it. I should start there sometime towards the end of June.

To say that I am pleased would be an understatement.

Thanks for all the support from my librarian brethren out there (you all know who you are).


Batman Begins

Batman Begins Logo

And to round out this 4 part series on geek movies of the year, the trailer to Batman Begins was just released this past week.

Batman Begins

Batman has always been my favorite superhero; mainly because he’s not really a superhero. He’s got no superpowers, just the dogged determination to make sure that he’s the absolute best at what he does. He’s also been interesting because of the iconic heroes (Superman, Batman, Spiderman) he’s the one with the loosest moral code. He’s clearly a good guy, but he sometimes acts pretty bad. He’s also damaged, but holds himself together enough to do the right things. All in all, very different from the idealized boy scout that is Superman.

I suppose I just like my heroes with a side of dark.

The famous Batman cowl The requisite falling from above scene
Rhas Al Ghul The Scarecrow


An interesting new film from Russia, on it’s way to these shores (hopefully in wide enough release that I can actually see it): Night Watch. Evidently part of a trilogy, it’s looks stylish and quick….what Underworld should have been. Check the trailer, and see what you think. Lots of comments at IMDB from the Russian release of the film (evidently this was the highest grossing film in the country’s history).

Library Issues

File under “Gormanesque”

From LISNews originally, another person at the top of a librarian food chain who just doesn’t get it. To wit:

Lately, I’ve been wandering around Blogland, and I’m struck by the narcissism and banality of so many personal blogs, of which, if the statistics are to believed, there are millions. Here, private lives tumble into public view, with no respect for seemliness or established social norms. Here, as the philosopher Roger Scruton said of Reality TV, ‘[a]ll fig leaves, whether of language, thought or behavior, have now been removed.’ What desperate craving for attention is indicated by this kind of mundane, online journaling? Surely, one writes a diary for one’s personal satisfaction; journaling is, after all, a deeply private act.

No, Blaise…you might write a diary for your personal satisfaction. Journaling, for you is a deeply private act. Plus: “…no respect for seemliness..”? What sort of bizarro 1950’s world is this supposed to be? We create our own established social norms here on the ‘net. Virtual communities derive their own set of performance standards and codes, and it doesn’t matter how “public” or “private” the delineation of those communities may be. Bloggers who choose to reveal their personal lives online do not all do so out of some form of deep narcissism, nor from any exhibitionistic tendencies…except, of course, those that do. They do so for their own reasons.

One wonders for whom these hapless souls blog. Why do they chose to they expose their unremarkable opinions, sententious drivel and unedifying private lives to the potential gaze of total strangers? What prompts this particular kind of digital exhibitionism? The present generation of bloggers seems to imagine that such crassly egotistical behavior is socially acceptable and that time-honored editorial and filtering functions have no place in cyberspace. Undoubtedly, these are the same individuals who believe that the free-for-all, communitarian approach of Wikipedia is the way forward. Librarians, of course, know better.

Wow…”sententious drivel”? And your comment about the Wikipedia is unbecoming of someone who once published a paper entitled Bowling alone together: Academic writing as distributed cognition. The Wikipedia is the ultimate form of distributed cognition. And this is one librarian who most assuredly knows nothing of the sort. Your “time-honored editorial and filtering functions” are going the way of the dodo thanks to the distribution of publication power, personal publication and archiving, folksonomic tagging/syndication/massive metadata collaboration, and other technological innovations. Those functions can be (and I would argue, will be) filled in other ways very, very soon.

Admittedly, some blogs are highly professional, reliable and informative, but most are not.

The same is true of, oh….every form of communication known to mankind.


You can’t stop the signal

Since we’re on a run of movie trailers…This deserves more than an “Interesting” link on my sidebar.

Serenity Logo

The amazing trailer for the new Joss Whedon film, based on the all-too-short-lived show Firefly. If you are any sort of sci-fi fan, and haven’t seen Firefly, do so immediately. It’s a sci-fi western, with great characters and backstory. I’m excited about this much more than I am Revenge of the Sith, and if you’d have told me that when I was 10 that I’d want to see another sci-fi film before I would the final Star Wars film, I’d have called you a scruffy-looking nerf herder.

Serenity Cast

The Living Dead

“Zombies, man…they creep me out.”

Land of the Dead Logo

I desperately hope this doesn’t suck. It’s got a lot going for it: Romero (obviously), Leguizamo is good, Dennis Hopper, and Asia Argento (daughter of Dario Argento, the king of Italian Horror). I wasn’t happy with the Truck From Hell shot in the trailer, but the living dead look good, and we all know where the social commentary will go with this one, so…here’s keeping my fingers crossed!

Land Of the Dead Zombie Land Of the Dead Zombie
Digital Culture

Wikipedia vs Jessamyn

I had no idea until I saw it on Information Wants to Be Free that there was a discussion going on regarding whether or not our very own Jessamyn Charity West was “important” enough to have her own Wikipedia page.

Laying aside the fact that I think the answer is obvious (damn straight she is!) there is a degree to which the question is an interesting one. Meredith says:

Significant to whom? How is that even a valid question? Imposing this sort of authority on the wikipedia seems rather arbitrary to me and goes against what a wiki should be. But I digress…

Well…the Wikipedia has a set of standards that they use to judge inclusion of biographies. This is probably not a terrible thing. For one it keeps people from putting up derogatory biographies about other people they know. I am all for wikis being whatever they want to be…open or closed. Wikipedia made that choice, and have stated standards for inclusion. Works for me, as long as the reasons are public.

Would I prefer it to be more open? Of course. I’d love to be able to enter biographies of “non-important” people. The possibility of using Wikipedia as a form of personal biography is a really interesting one, and I think one could make a solid argument for allowing it.