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Testing wordpress

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Get in the f’ing sack

Best bit on homeopathy and other quackery I’ve seen in a long time, courtesy of BoingBoing and Dara O’Briain. Fabulous, and I’ve got a longer list of who to put in that sack he’s talking about…

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Eye doctor and new daycare


Originally uploaded by griffey

Huge day for Eliza today, as we both visited Vanderbilt Pediatric Eye Institute and her new daycare. The eye visit was to double check a blocked tear duct…turns out her right eye has a partially obstructed duct, but it isn’t serious and doesn’t need surgery. This visit also led to my favorite new medical phrase: “Lacrimal Lake”.

She also visited her new daycare today, and we spent a couple of hours almost seeing what she thought. A few rough patches, but I think she’s going to do ok. We’ll see how she does by the end of the week!

ALA Media Personal

Libraries and Mobile Devices: Public Policy Considerations

This is a panel that I was a part of at ALA 2009 on the future of mobile….phenomenal panelists. I was especially geeked to finally get to meet Eli Neiburger. Anyway, we all had something to say about the future of mobile, and what libraries need to be worried about. Watch it, and let me know if you have any feedback. I’m always interested in what other librarians think about things like this…the future isn’t certain, and it’s always possible that I’m remarkably wrong. đŸ™‚

Here’s part one:

And part two:

Library Issues

Help the Louisville Free Public Library

Yesterday, the Louisville Free Public Library in Louisville, KY was hit with a terrible storm, and was flooded. The initial damage estimates are around $1 million, but given the pictures that were shared yesterday, I’m guessing that’s a lowball estimate. The pics are horrendous.

Steve Lawson has set up a paypal account specifically for donations going to the Library, in the name of the Library Society of the World. I’d like to ask everyone to head over to his post, and donate something…$5, $10, whatever you can afford. The people of Louisville will appreciate it.

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Mommy week has begun

IMG_0658, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza is on vacation, between daycares, spending a whole week with Mommy. So far so good, but it’s only Monday.

It’s amazing to me how much activity you can pack into a normal day with a toddler. Today, we have already built a fort in the kitchen, colored in coloring books, played with blocks, played with ponies and other plastic figurines, gone to the park, gone to the grocery store, watched 1/2 an episode of Sesame Street, played with bubbles and water in the yard, had snacks and lunch, and a two hour nap. And there are still 3 hours until Daddy gets home. What do teachers DO with kids all day in daycare?? They must be more creative than I am.