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Daycare highs and lows

IMG_7496, originally uploaded by griffey.

Poor Eliza ended up with a double ear infection, thanks to the RSV. This coincided with her first week in a new room at daycare. Needless to say, the transition hasn’t gone smoothly.

She seems to be missing her old classmates and teachers. She asks for a few of them by name every morning. And she isn’t sure about her new teacher, whose tone of voice is a little harsher (even to my ears). She’s also a little intimidated by the bigger, faster, more mobile kids.

She cries at drop off, and she cries a little bit throughout the day, although we hear she’s crying a little bit less than before. Who knows how long it will take her to get comfortable in her new surroundings. Eliza is bright and intuitive, which means she’s also quite sensitive (to change, to others’ feelings, to chaos). I am beginning to see glimpses of the special challenges involved in raising this kind of child. But I am also seeing the joy.

Eliza is simply mind-blowing. She can now say some of her numbers in the correct sequence. I was helping her climb the stairs, counting them as we go. I said “One…” and she said “two…” Flabbergasted, I continued: “Three…Four….Five…” and she said “Six…” I almost fell down the stairs. So I kept going: “Seven….eight….” and Eliza added “nine…” and I shouted TEN! And scooped her up and hugged her, amazed. I don’t know where she learned this. Wasn’t from us.

One reply on “Daycare highs and lows”

My family discovered I had learned how to read (at 3) when my aunt, tired of reading the Sunday comics to me, said, “You read them to ME”. And I did. Beware the amazing sponge brains of smart children! 🙂

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