Paul Jones pinged me today to let me know that one of his current students is doing some research into Blogs and Ethics. While it looks like it’s pretty heavily geared towards “Blogs as Journalism” I thought that some of my esteemed readers might have something to say. Here’s the summary from the site:
I am a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I am researching ethics in the blogosphere, and I am using this blog to gather the opinions and insights of active bloggers. I invite you to answer the following questions by publicly posting your comments or by e-mailing me at mgkuhn at email dot unc dot edu.
It’s an interesting take, in that he breaks down the first three questions into the philosopher who first popularized that particular twist on ethics: Rawls (Stakeholder), Ross (prima facie Duty), or Kant(Absolute Duty). The last couple of questions are more personal, focusing on the function and purpose of blogging for you.
I’ll hold off on questioning why he stuck with those three, out of the hundreds of ethical styles, and simply say: go comment! I’ll reflect on the types, and comment in a bit, after I managed to lay aside my humanist ethics for awhile and put on these other coats.