Digital Culture

In case some of you missed

In case some of you missed it, it turns out that the rescue of Jessica Lynch was….*gasp*…..not presented by the American government and media entirely factually.

Check the story from the BBC, since you can be sure the liberal American media isn't going to cover it.

Wait, let me do that again: <sarcasm>…the liberal American Media…</sarcasm>. That's better.

Digital Culture

So lazy today….so much of no

So lazy today….so much of nothing done.

Digital Culture

Spent WAAAAAY to much time

Spent WAAAAAY to much time on my new xbox today. Picked up Halo and Dead or Alive 3, and both are absolutely great games. Much fun will be had, and if anyone wants to join,buzz me. 🙂

To give you some idea how much I've played these games today, it's currently 4:13pm or so, and I have done almost literally nothing else today. Must….pry….controller….from….hand…..

Digital Culture

Well, had a terrible insomn

Well, had a terrible insomniac night last night. Bets is on the way to FLA, 11 hour drive, and the day before she left she pulled a muscle in her back….not fun. Am worried about her. 🙁

In happier, lighter news, I got up the morning to find that “Heathers” was on…one of my all time favorite films. It captures teen angst and Sturm und Drang so well.

“whether to kill yourself or not is one of the most important decisions a teenager can make”


Digital Culture

Hmm…So maybe the upload I

Hmm…So maybe the upload IS working. Still shaking the bugs out of the system here.

Well, tomorrow Bets jaunts off to faraway FLA and sticks me here by my lonesome, with just the kitties to keep me company. The kitties, and my new Xbox. 🙂 If anyone has game recommendations, post'em up…always like good game design, regardless of the genre. Also, if anyone wants to do dinner for the next week or so (late, though…working in the Collab 'til 8pm nearly every night) let me know…gonna be starving for human contact. 🙂

Speaking of gaming, for those who don't know, I _love_ games. Adore them. Game design is a hobby of mine, and I'm a playtester for a company (Comic Images) who produces one of the more popular Collectible Card Games, Raw Deal. It's a game based on the World Wrestling Entertainment brand of professional wrestling. The game is my major hobby…to the point where I'm competing in qualifiers for the world championships over the summer. 🙂 Wish me luck.

Digital Culture

Ok…getting peeved at Radio,

Ok…getting peeved at Radio, which is a bad sign. Going to seek help on their help boards, since uploading is now a bitch.

Digital Culture

Dale Hollow Lake

Had a great
time this weekend on the lake. Went fishing with my dad everyday, on his new boat, and can't say I've ever seen him happier than having me and Jenna (my younger sister) fishing with him on his boat. Bets got some sleep, and we both generally just tried to recharge for a couple of days.

Picture of the cabin that we stayed in for the weekend on Dale
Hollow Lake
Interior of cabin, me with Mom and Dad.
Sunset from cabin second floor balcony.
Sunset from boat on lake.
Digital Culture

Ok gang…officially off for t

Ok gang…officially off for the weekend. Enjoy the Memorial day holiday, and I'll see everyone next week. Next update: silly pictures of my family. 🙂

Digital Culture

William Gibson Speaks!

“The story of film begins around a fire, in darkness. Gathered around this fire are primates of a certain species, our ancestors, an animal distinguished by a peculiar ability to recognize patterns.”

William Gibson, from his speech to the Directors Guild of America on their Digital Day,  Los Angeles, May 17, 2003.

So many good things in the speech for information/media people. Gibson is just amazing in his ability to weave words into patterns that mean more than the words seperately…they hold weight they did not previously have access to when he finishes with them. Read this. Everyone who reads this blog…Read this now.

Digital Culture

Great birthday party last n

Great birthday party last night for Marianne…sushi making madness. Lots of good food, esp. the Ginger rice pudding for dessert (great stuff, Abe).

Heading out this weekend to TN…my 'rents rented a cabin for the weekend on a lake, and Dad is bringing his boat down. So there should be lots of hanging out on the boat, laying on the deck of the cabin, generally being lazy and reading. Sounds perfect. I'll have pictures up on the blog when we get back, but no blogging while there. No 'net, so I'll be unplugged for the weekend.