Digital Culture

SCO = classic humor

So, in response to IBM’s request for the source code that it is supposedly infringing upon (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can browse the Google news for it), SCO provided IBM with a PRINTOUT OF THE CODE totaling a million sheets of paper. A million. sheets. of. paper. What a great lawyer tactic! (from boingboing)

To put this in some context, a million sheets of paper is:

Over 4000 inches tall
Over 333 feet (twice the height of the Statue of Liberty) if stacked
Just a bit over 6 tons
374000 cubic inches
216.4 cubic feet

Digital Culture


I feel sorry for all of you still stuck in the throws of finals….ah, who am I kidding? No I don’t…I’m too happy BEING DONE!



Digital Culture

I, for one…

welcome our new library robot overlords.

A Japanese team of researchers has developed a robot that could help browse for books in a library by receiving instructions via the Internet…Using a laser to navigate between shelves and other barriers, it can select a book, open it and flip through pages with its own hand, while taking and sending pictures of contents.

Digital Culture

Ah, the fun of Search Engines…

A short list of search queries that led to my blog, from my referral logs:

“i am completely fucked up”
“tea hand picked by monkeys”

and of course, the very best (someone out there did this on purpose, you funny people, you…)

“jason griffey free naked”



Finally down to ONE assignment: INLS201 final paper. Getting that done after the two weeks I’ve had will be a major undertaking of effort, since now all I want to do is goof off.

Good luck on finals and such to all my SILS guys, esp: Jean and Trish (looking forward to the day when you’re both reasonably healthy again), Justin (Happy Birthday!), and Tracy (the coolest word I know).

Digital Culture

New Favorite Quote

At least about librarians…from this month’s American Libraries:

“Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books. That’s rubbish, of course, but it does wonders for the image of librarians.” – Guy Browning, The Guardian, Oct. 18

Digital Culture

From Slashdot…

Public libraries moving book sales online

link to slashdot comments


Interesting Google Fact

Via my referal logs, I’ve determined that I’m the 5th result on google for “naked women free access

Now there’s something to be proud of.

In other news: INLS 201 test = done.

Next up, paper for Chuck Stone = in progress, as we speak.


Home again, home again, jiggidy jig…

And, as Bets pointed out, 10 hours in a car = no fun. Next year, with real jobs under both our belts, hopefully we fly.

Great time was had…much laughter. More food, though. I won’t enumerate either, but it was nearing grotesque and all of it amazingly delicious. My mom’s mashed potatoes really are that good, but nothing comes close to her peanut butter fudge (which comes to us in just a few weeks via Xmas). Mmmmmmm the taste of the holidays.


Tomorrow, the great migration home begins…

…and we start the endless drive back to Chapel Hill. Travelling on the Wed before and the Sunday after Thanksgiving proves that we’re just gluttons for punishment. But I’ll be glad to be home, if for no other reason than to dive back into work.

Four more things due this semester. Four…the countdown begins.