So my buddy Steve Thomas just launched a Kickstarter in order to have transcriptions made of his awesome podcast Circulating Ideas. Â I shouldn’t have to explain why transcriptions are a fantastic idea for a podcast, but I will anyway:
- It will make the content available to people with hearing difficulty
- It will enable full-text searching of the podcast episodes
- Transcripts will allow people to text-mine the content in interesting ways
- There will be a book (A BOOK) of the podcast made
All of these are awesome reasons to back the Kickstarter, but I’m going to back it because I think that the work Steve is doing on Circulating Ideas is interesting and serves as an amazing time capsule of our profession. You should back it as well…supporting interesting library work is how, after all, we get more interesting library work into the world.
So listen below to Steve tell you about the Kickstarter in his own words, then click the link and go give him a few bucks. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.
Go support Recirculated!Â
BONUS: for those of you that read this far, here’s the two episodes of Circulating Ideas that I was lucky enough to be a part of: