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Summer wrap up, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Originally uploaded by griffey

Eliza and I had a blast this summer. She stayed with me most days while I enjoyed the last gasp of my sabbatical.

We did so many fun things, it’s hard to remember them all. Some of the highlights were: trips to KY to see family, a week-long visit from cousins, trips to Atlanta to see friends, swim lessons and lots of pool time, Lake Winnie, lots of visits to the Aquarium, Coolidge Park and other fun places around Chattanooga (like Pump It Up), and a few weeks staying at Nana and Pop Pop’s (such a big girl!). We also had a fabulous 4th of July in Sewanee with our friends, and Eliza got to stay up late enough to see the fireworks. There were festivals and rides, shopping trips, birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese, and so much more.

She went back to school today, and while I’m sad to see our summer of fun come to a close, I think we’re both ready to get back into a routine. No more sleeping in and PJ days…time for Eliza and mommy to get back to normal.

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