
Posted this over on Perpetual Beta (will show up shortly) but wanted to share here…this…

Posted this over on Perpetual Beta (will show up shortly) but wanted to share here…this is one of my all-time favorite pieces of futurism. Arthur C. Clarke predicting the world of the year 2000.

He got so much right…and his comment about how predicting the future will always sound like madness is just awesome.

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Release_Candidate Uncategorized Arthur C Clarke predicting the future in 1964 (by elabjer

Arthur C Clarke predicting the future in 1964 (by elabjer)

One of my favorite pieces ever about predicting the future…as Clark points out, if you make a prediction, and it sounds reasonable, it is almost certainly wrong. And if it sounds fantastic, it will be dismissed…even though the future has consistently been more fantastic than almost everyone could realize. Clark was one of the true visionaries…he saw clearly how breakthroughs in electronics, satellites, and communications would effect the world. 

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3D printers are likely to explode in variety in 2012

Ultimaker: There’s a New 3D Printer in Town

Yet another option in fabrication beyond the Makerbot, 3D printers are likely to explode in variety in 2012. The Ultimaker looks like a promising entry into the increasingly competitive field.
Check out the Ultimaker blog for more information.