
Apple is now within $20 Billion of the combined Market Cap of Microsoft & Google….

Apple is now within $20 Billion of the combined Market Cap of Microsoft & Google. And as MG says, they still haven't announced the iPhone5, or the iPad3.

Reshared post from +MG Siegler

apple is approaching $400 billion market cap

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parislemon • It has been almost a month since Steve Jobs…
It has been almost a month since Steve Jobs officially stepped down as CEO of Apple. Today the stock is literally off-the-charts at a new all-time high. Apple’s market cap is now nearly $25 billion……

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Library-types: What are your special collections/archives using for digital asset…

Library-types: What are your special collections/archives using for digital asset management? I'm looking for suggestions, mainly to be used for for internal findability, not external display. Thoughts?

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Truly strange decisions by Netflix…there are a few reason this is probably happening,…

Truly strange decisions by Netflix…there are a few reason this is probably happening, none of them good for consumers. sigh

Reshared post from +danah boyd

Why is Netflix splitting its world based on business models rather than users' mental models? They're being foolish. Where are movie ratings going to go? To the Qwikster website? Will it or won't it affect the streaming recommendations? ::faceplant:: And why the hell change the brand for the DVD delivery when DVD-only users are the least likely to understand what the changes mean? Wow for brand cluelessness. And OMG did the CEO's "apology" make him look even more out of touch:

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the post: An Explanation and Some Reflections
I messed up. I owe everyone an explanation. It is clear from the feedback over the past two months that many members felt we lacked re…

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Release_Candidate Uncategorized

Reading Rainbow for the iPad generation from the article: “LeVar Burton, a children’s literacy advocate and a former star of Star Trek: The Next Generation, plans to make an ambitious comeback, giving the once-loved Reading Rainbow brand a 21st-century upgrade. Burton’s for-profit venture, RRKidz, plans to launch an educational iPad app that lets children explore topics of interest—such as, say space—in a multimedia-rich environment, with voice-over-enhanced children’s books, familiar videos of Burton at real-life places (like NASA), and, of course, games.”

Reading Rainbow: The Next Generation


One more…love this.

One more…love this.

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I’m all about random music from YouTube today.

I'm all about random music from YouTube today.

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Get through the afternoon slump with The Ramones

Get through the afternoon slump with The Ramones

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Reshared post from +Scott Beale

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Exploded View of MakerBot Thing-O-Matic 3D Printer
The New York Times is featuring a wonderful exploded view of a MakerBot Thing-O-Matic 3D printer illustrated by Frank O’Connell.

via MakerBot

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Reshared post from +Kim Shepherd

This blows my mind, love it. All the Transatlantic Sessions videos are great, there's a mean version of Kid on the Mountain and plenty of good old American tunes

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Interesting service…I like the visualizations, but wish it were a bit richer in…

Interesting service…I like the visualizations, but wish it were a bit richer in content. Then again, it's a new service…will be interesting to see where it goes.

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Visualize your resume in one click.

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