Eliza took her first bite of food today! Mushy rice cereal, mixed with formula…yum! We weren’t sure if she’d know what to do, but she saw the spoon coming, opened her mouth wide, rolled it around, and swallowed. Turns out she is great at eating (just like mom and dad!). She seemed to really dig it.
One reply on “Look world, I’m eating food!”
How cool! (Beautiful picture, by the way – what gorgeous eyes!)
We’ve tried James on oatmeal, pears, carrots, and apples, and so far he hasn’t got the hang of it yet. Either he hates the spoon coming at him, or he hates the taste of whatever we’re feeding him, or he nearly gags on the small amount that actually makes it into his mouth. One day he’ll figure it out, but until then he’s an all-milk kinda guy…