I haven’t said much about the tragedy in the Pacific, but largely that’s because I have been spared the majority of the coverage. We were very much out of contact with media when it happened, and we’ve been under 7 year old media supervision since then, so we’ve not really kept caught up on the events as they unfolded. Most of my news has come from 30 second glances at BoingBoing’s coverage.
But I know that this is terrible, and I know that much, much money is needed to get any sort of assistance that can possibly help the people that are still alive. I’ve decided to go with the Paypal link to Americares that Kevin McDonald set up on his blog WritersCafe. Why? Mainly because Americares seems to be a solid charity donating medical supplies, and they appear to be not religiously affiliated. I’m a humanist to the bone, so that does make some kind of difference to me.
But no matter the reasons: go donate something. Even $5 will up your karma, and we all know you need it.