3D Printing Release_Candidate


Well, this didn’t take very long.

Welcome to DEFCAD, operated by Defense Distributed. This site is a makeshift response to Makerbot Industries’ decision to censor files uploaded in good faith at Thingiverse, specifically firearms-related files. We are hosting as many of the pulled files as we can find.


3D Printing Release_Candidate

Thingiverse Removes Gun Files

In the wake of one of worst shooting incidents in American history, the 3D-printing firm Makerbot has deleted a collection of blueprints for gun components from Thingiverse, its popular user-generated content website that hosts 3D-printable files. Though Thingiverse has long banned designs for weapons and their components in its terms of service, it rarely enforced the rule until the last few days, when the company’s lawyer sent notices to users that their software models for gun parts were being purged from the site.

via 3D-Printing Firm Makerbot Cracks Down On Printable Gun Designs – Forbes.

Personal Technology

This Week in Libraries #91

I razzed Erik a bit about taking 91 episodes to finally get around to talking to me, but the truth is that I’m thrilled to be a part of This Week in Libraries #91, talking more about myself, library technology, consumer electronics, LibraryBox, and more.

TWIL #91: Jason Griffey from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo.

Media Personal Podcasts

Circulating Ideas Ep. 19

I was very pleased to be the guest of Steve Thomas on his podcast series Circulating Ideas this past week. There’s a whole host of great episodes of the podcast, and I highly recommend diving into the back catalog. My conversation with Steve ranged from which sci-fi technology I’d most like to have to how and why I built LibraryBox, and many points in between. There are way worse ways to spend an hour. 🙂

Listen in here, or head over to Circulating Ideas itself for a downloadable copy, or subscribe in your favorite podcatcher.

Brand_New_World Uncategorized

Eliza visits Santa 2012

Santa at the Chattanooga Choo Choo 3, originally uploaded by griffey.

Eliza visiting Santa at the Chattanooga Choo Choo! She’s been visiting this same Santa every year since she was born…he’s awesome, and she loves the setup and the sleigh.

Drones FutureTech Release_Candidate

The DIY Kid-tracking Drone

via The DIY Kid-tracking Drone – IEEE Spectrum.

On school-day mornings, I walk my grade-school-age son 400 meters down the hill to the bus stop. Last winter, I fantasized about sitting at my computer while a camera-equipped drone followed him overhead.


So this year, I set out to build one.

I had said in several presentations that I was betting that 2012 was the year we’d see the first lawsuits for stalking-by-drone. This project is the first steps to that…if you use professional-grade hardware and add in facial recognition, it’s within the boundaries of current technology to build a drone that identifies someone visually, and then just follows them around, filming them.

That said: This is a _freaking cool_ project. 🙂