Happy Birthday, my big girl!
You can run, jump, dance, climb, sing, hum, make funny faces, play tickle monster, and make people laugh. You love books and to “read” to your stuffed animals and baby dolls (and sometimes to mommy and daddy). You’re a little addicted to Ni Hao, Kai Lan. But sometimes you like to watch the old Frosty the Snowman cartoon. Your favorite toys change from day-to-day, but you adore your new tricycle, Mr. Potato Heads, kitchen stuff, tea sets, play doh, markers and paper, bath crayons, and all your “lovies.”
Your favorite place is Shan’s Chinese Buffet, which is where we had your birthday party, since you love it so much. You ate noodles, broccoli, fish, and chicken plus two bowls of ice cream and most of the icing off your cake (vanilla, of course, your favorite).
You love “school,” especially art and music class, and you have so much fun with your friends and your wonderful teachers.
We are so proud of you and, to quote one of your favorite books, “We love everything that you will be and all the things you are.”